A long-term maintenance agreement shall be required for all
permanent stormwater BMPs installed to comply with the requirements
of this chapter. The long-term maintenance agreement shall, at a minimum,
contain the following information and provisions:
A. Ownership. Identification of the owner(s) of the land parcel(s) where
the stormwater BMP(s) is located.
B. Long-term maintenance plan. A description of all long-term maintenance
activities that will likely be required for each BMP included in the
agreement, and an estimated time interval between each activity;
C. Access. Authorization for vehicle access, including a minimum fifteen-foot
wide access easement dedicated to the City, to allow for future BMP
maintenance work.
D. Maintenance responsibility. Identification of the person(s), organization,
municipality or other entity responsible for long-term maintenance
of the stormwater BMP.
E. Inspections shall be performed by the responsible party. The responsible
party shall maintain a log of inspection activities.
F. Municipal maintenance. Authorization for the local municipality or
their designee to carry out any maintenance activities and associated
inspections if the entity does not perform the required activity within
the specified time period or if the local municipality does not accept
the work conducted by the designated entity;
G. Special assessment. A statement that the applicable local unit of government may exercise their statutory authority to levy and collect a special assessment or charge pursuant to Sub Ch. VII of Ch.
66, Wis. Stats., for any services carried out.
H. Recording. Upon certification of compliance by the City of Rice Lake,
an abridged long-term maintenance agreement shall be recorded with
the County Register of Deeds referencing any plat, certified survey
or other ownership transfer device pertaining to land which contains
the subject stormwater BMP or is subject to maintenance responsibility
in the approved agreement. For new land divisions, the recording of
the long-term maintenance agreement shall occur simultaneously with
the recording of the land division. However, no stormwater BMP long-term
maintenance agreement shall be recorded prior to City of Rice Lake