[Adopted as Title 2, Ch. 2.14, of the 1986 Code]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A discussion or deliberation of those matters which by statute or ordinance cannot be made public and those matters which would adversely affect the public security, the financial interests of the City or the reputation of any employee or citizen thereof, if made public.
All meetings of every board, commission or committee established or created by the City Council shall be open to the public and the press unless such board, commission or committee, by a majority vote of the members present, votes to go into executive session.
[Amended 5-22-1987]
Except in an emergency, no boards, commissions or committees of any City department or agency shall schedule or conduct meetings on any Monday evenings for which the City Council has scheduled meetings.
Except in an emergency, no meeting of any board, commission or committee established or created by the City Council shall be held unless a notice of such meeting, together with an agenda of the tentative matters to be acted upon at such meeting, has been filed with the City Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the time of such meeting.
In the event that an emergency meeting is held, the minutes of such meeting shall state the nature of the emergency and all actions taken at such meeting.
A copy of all rules and regulations made by City boards or officers for which a penalty is provided by law shall be filed with the City Clerk within 10 days after they take effect.