[Adopted as Title 2, Ch. 2.06, of the 1986 Code]
Appointment, term and removal.
There may be appointed from time to time as occasion may require an Assistant City Clerk.
Such assistant shall be appointed by the City Clerk and sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties.
He shall hold his office for such time as the occasion may require, to be determined by the City Clerk, by whom he may be removed at any time.
Duties; compensation.
It shall be the duty of the Assistant City Clerk to assist the City Clerk in recording, indexing and certifying mortgages of personal property, assignments of wages and other documents required by law to be recorded and also, if necessary, to attest documents as provided in MGL c. 41, § 18, and perform all other duties pertaining to the office of City Clerk when thereto requested by him, or when the office of City Clerk is vacant from any cause.
Such Assistant City Clerk's compensation for services shall be paid from such sum as the City Council has allowed or may hereafter allow for clerical assistance in the City Clerk's office.
[Added 11-15-2006]
The City Clerk shall present his/her annual goals to the City Council by January 31 of each year. By November 1, the President shall appoint a special committee consisting of three Councilors to conduct an annual review of the performance of the City Clerk, with a report to the full Council by December 15.
[Amended 6-5-1987; 11-1-1988; 7-19-1991; 8-8-1995; 10-3-2000; 5-4-2004; 6-18-2012; 6-4-2013; 5-20-2014]
The fees of the City Clerk shall be enumerated in MGL c. 262, § 34, except as follows:
For filing and indexing assignment of creditors
For recording assignment of future wages or salary
For filing attachment of bulky personal property
For filing dissolution of attachment of bulky personal property
For entering amendment of a record of the birth of an illegitimate child subsequently legitimized
For correcting errors in a record of birth
For furnishing certificate of birth
For furnishing laminated certificate of birth
For furnishing an abstract copy of a record of birth
For entering delayed record of birth
For filing certificate of a person conducting business under any title other than his real name
For filing by a person conducting business under title other than his real name of statement of change of his residence, retirement or withdrawal from or of a change of location of such business
For furnishing certified copy of certificate of person conducting business under any title other than his real name or a statement by such person of his discontinuance, retirement or withdrawal from such business
For recording the name and address, the date and number of certificate issued to a person registered for the practice of podiatry in the commonwealth or issuing a certified copy thereof
For correcting errors in a record of death
For furnishing a certificate of death
For furnishing an abstract copy of a record of death
For entering notice of intention of marriage and issuing certificate thereof
For entering certificate of marriage by persons married out of the commonwealth
For issuing certificate of marriage
For furnishing an abstract copy of a record of marriage
For correcting errors in a record of marriage
For recording power of attorney
For recording certificate of registration granted to a person to engage in the practice of optometry, or issuing a certified copy thereof
For recording the name of the owner of a certificate or registration as a physician or osteopath in the commonwealth or issuing a certified copy thereof
For recording order granting locations of poles, piers, abutments or conduits, alterations or transfers thereof, and increase in number of wires and cable attachments under the provisions of MGL c. 166, § 22
Additional for each street or way included in such order
For examining or preparing records or papers relating to birth, marriage or deaths upon the application of any person
The actual expense thereof, but not less than $20
For copying or receiving any manuscript or record pertaining to a birth, marriage or death, per page
For receiving and filing of a complete inventory of all items to be included in a "closing out sale," "going out of business," etc.
$25, plus $5 per page in excess of 3 pages
For filing a copy of written instrument of declaration of trust by the trustees of an association or trust, or any amendment thereof as provided by MGL c. 182, § 2, as amended
Recording any other documents
$10 per page and $2 to $4 for each additional page
For issuing raffle or bazaar or similar types of permits or issuing a certified copy thereof
The fee for certification of any document not previously enumerated shall be $20.