Whenever any street is opened for the laying of pipes for water, gas or other purposes, or for the performance of any works of construction or repairs, such laying of pipes and repairs and work connected therewith or such work of construction shall be executed so as not to obstruct the course, capacity or construction of a public sewer or drain; and whenever pipes for any purpose or any work of construction shall hereafter be found to exist at such depth or in such location as to interfere with any existing sewer or with the building of any public sewer of the required size, and at the proper depth and grades, the person maintaining the same shall, upon notice thereof, at once remove, change and alter such pipes or other works in such manner as the Director of Public Works may direct.
If such person neglects to immediately remove, change or alter such pipes in accordance with the terms of the notification, then the Director of Public Works may make such removal, change or alteration, and the cost thereof shall be paid by such person.
No person other than the Director of Public Works through his employees, or a contractor with written authorization by the Director acting under his direction, shall be allowed to excavate within the limits of any street or open any public drain or sewer for any purpose whatever.
The connection of all private drains or sewers within the street limits and all connections to any public drain or sewer shall be performed by the Director of Public Works, or his agent, and all material therefor shall be furnished by the City, and the cost thereof and of the labor of laying the same shall be included in the sum paid for the permit (see §§ 300-11 and 300-14).
The Mayor, City Council, and the Commissioner of Public Health are authorized, in all cases where there is a public sewer or drain in any street of the City or easement held by the City, to cause every owner of land adjoining such street or easement, his agent or tenant to provide, subject to the provisions of this Part 1, a sufficient building sewer or drain from his house, yard or lot to and into such public sewer or drain, whenever, in the opinion of the City Council and the Commissioner of Health, the same shall be necessary for the protection of the public health, and shall, thereupon, give such owner, agent or tenant notice in writing, specifying the time within which such building sewer or drain shall be constructed.
The City Council and the Commissioner of Public Health may, whenever in their opinion the protection of the public health requires, prohibit the maintenance of any privy or cesspool on any premises connected with a public sewer or drain.
Any person who neglects to construct a building sewer or drain under the provisions of this section within the time specified in such notice to do so, or maintains a privy in violation of such prohibition, shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided in Section 12(t) of Chapter V of the 1972 Revised Ordinances of Springfield.
Whenever the laying out or construction of a new public sewer or drain by the City is wanted, application therefor shall be made by petition in writing to the Mayor or City Council, signed by no fewer than six inhabitants of the City or by the City Planning Director or the City Engineer.
Upon filing of said petition, the Mayor or City Council may refer the petition to the Board of Public Works for investigation, hearing and report thereon. Before holding any hearing on said petition, the Board of Public Works shall give all parties notice in the same manner as required by Chapter 338, Streets and Sidewalks, § 338-4.
After hearing all interested parties in the same manner as provided in Chapter 388, Streets and Sidewalks, §§ 338-3 and 338-4, the Board of Public Works shall report to the Mayor or City Council whether, in the Board's opinion, the public convenience or the public health require the laying out or construction of a new public sewer or drain by the City.
No new public sewer or drain shall be constructed by the City unless the question of such construction or making shall first be referred to the Board of Public Works, which shall report to the Mayor and City Council an estimate of its cost, the materials of which, and the manner in which the same should be constructed or made, and an estimate of the damage likely to be occasioned by construction, taking land, or encroachment of watercourses; and if the sewer or drain or any portion thereof shall be outside the limits of the streets, it shall not be constructed or made otherwise than by the consent of all persons interested, without the same proceedings being followed as are required for laying out streets as provided in Chapter 338, Streets and Sidewalks, §§ 338-8 through 338-13. (See also § 300-5.)
In addition to the aforementioned procedure, the Board of Public Works shall conduct a hearing for all interested parties, in accordance with the notification procedure set forth in Chapter 388, Streets and Sidewalks, § 338-9, after the estimate for damages and estimate of assessments is complete, but before final enactment by the City Council.
Whenever any public drain or sewer is to be built, the Director of Public Works shall make or cause to be made a plan of the same, showing the form, mode of construction, depth below the surface, relation of the sewer invert elevations to the City base, the alignment and general direction of the drain or sewer relative to the street lines or neighboring property, and the sill elevations of all houses to be served, which plan shall be kept on file in his office.
This plan shall be the basis of the evaluation and report by the Board of Public Works required under § 300-6.
All public sewers which shall be ordered by the Mayor and City Council in any street or highway shall, whenever practical, be laid out as nearly as is practicable in the center of such street or highway, and shall be constructed of such materials and of such dimensions as the Mayor and City Council direct.
No connection shall be made between any private sewer or building sewer and any public sewer, or between a private drain and any public drain unless it is of such size, material, construction, depth and location as the Director of Public Works may direct, and until the appropriate permit has been obtained from the Director of Public Works and all fees, charges, and assessments have been paid.
All private sewers and drains laid by private parties in any street, court or way open or proposed to be opened for public travel and accommodation shall become public sewers or drains when connected to public sewers or drains.
After the adoption of this Part 1, no such sewer shall be connected with a public drain until plans showing the size, material, construction, depth and location are approved by the Director of Public Works and until the owner conveys in writing to the City exclusive control over the same, with the right to enter such street, court or way and dig up the same so far as necessary for repairing and controlling such sewer or drain and making connections therewith.
No person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter, or disturb any public sewer or drain or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining an appropriate written permit from the Director of Public Works.
Applicants shall apply for separate permits for sewers and drains.
Classes of permits shall be as follows:
Class A: residential, sewers.
Class B: commercial service and institutional, sewers.
Class C: industrial waste-producing establishments, sewers.
Class D: drain permit.
The owner or his agent shall make application on a special form furnished by the Director. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications, or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the Director. A permit and inspection fee for each type of permit shall be paid to the City at the time the application is filed. The fee schedule will be established by the Director and approved by the City Council and Mayor. Fees shall include the total cost of making the connections as provided in § 300-3.