The Director, after notifying the discharger by telephone or in person, may immediately halt or prevent any discharge of pollutants to a public sewer that reasonably appears to present an imminent endangerment to the health or welfare of persons, or any such discharge presenting (or which may present) an endangerment to the environment or which threatens to interfere with the operation of the City's wastewater works. Actions which may be taken by the Director may include, but are not limited to, seeking injunctive relief, entry on private property to halt such discharge, blockage of a public sewer to halt such discharge, or demand of specific action by the discharger.
The Director is authorized to take all appropriate action to enforce the terms of an industrial discharge permit or this Part 1.
Any person found to be in violation of any provision of this Part 1 shall be penalized up to $1,000 per violation. The Director may seek imposition of civil and/or criminal penalties for violations of this Part 1 to the maximum extent set forth in this Part 1 and in other current or future laws.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Part 1 and regulations shall become liable to the City for any fine assessed to the City or any expense, loss, or damage occasioned the City by reason of such violation.