User's Guide: This article allows innovative approaches to housing and environmental design by authorizing the Planning Board to reduce certain requirements of this chapter for applications proposing clustered development.
The purpose of these provisions is to allow for innovative concepts of housing development where maximum variations of design may be allowed, provided that the net residential density shall be no greater than is permitted by this chapter or Chapter 125, Land Use.
In addition, the purpose of allowing cluster development shall be to encourage housing development which will result in:
Additional open space and recreation areas;
A pattern of development that preserves trees, outstanding natural topography and geologic features, that reduces soil erosion; and
An efficient use of land resulting in small networks of utilities and streets.
To accomplish the purposes above, the layout and dimensional requirements of this chapter may be reduced.
The Board may reduce the layout and dimensional requirements of this chapter for single-family, two-family, and multiple-family residential developments, provided that such reductions do not increase net residential density and the resulting undeveloped area is maintained as common land.
The Board shall not increase building height limitations.
The modification of requirements permitted in this article shall not require a variance, and no finding of undue hardship shall be required.
All cluster developments approved by the Board shall meet all of the following requirements:
All the requirements and standards of these regulations, except those dealing with road frontage, lot layout, and dimensions, shall be met.
Each cluster shall have a minimum of 200 feet of road frontage.
Driveways to and from each cluster shall be designed to permit access to each building in the cluster by emergency equipment.
The minimum area of land in a cluster development shall be 10 acres and shall consist of not fewer than five lots.
The total area of open space within the development shall be a minimum of 25% of the total development.
The total area of open space shall equal or exceed the sum of the areas by which any building lots are reduced below the minimum lot area required by this chapter or Chapter 125, Land Use.
Areas designated as open space shall be protected by deed covenants or easements.
Note: For the purposes of this article, "open space" shall mean undeveloped land that shall be left in its natural state. Open space may be utilized, when appropriate, for nonintensive recreational use, including construction of paths, playgrounds, and playing fields.
No building shall be constructed on soil types that are poorly drained.
Distance between buildings shall not be less than 20 feet.
Where a cluster development abuts a water body:
A portion of the shoreline, as well as reasonable access to it, shall be part of the common land.
A usable portion of the land along the shore, as well as reasonable access to it, shall be part of the open space land. This open space land shall have a minimum depth of 100 feet from the normal high-water line.
In no case shall the shore frontage and setback be reduced below the minimum required for each dwelling unit by Chapter 125, Land Use.
In cluster developments all dwelling units within each cluster shall be connected to a common water supply and distribution system, either public or private. The Board may waive this requirement for clusters where the dwelling units are located on lots of not less than one acre in area.
In cluster developments all dwelling units within each cluster shall be connected to a common sewer system or to a central collection and treatment system. The Board may waive this requirement for clusters where the dwelling units are located on lots of not less than one acre in area, provided that not fewer than two dwelling units are connected to each sewage treatment system.
Buildings shall be oriented with respect to scenic vistas, natural landscape features, topography, south-facing slopes, and natural drainage areas in accordance with an overall plan for site development and landscaping.