[Adopted 3-26-1959 by L.L. No. 1-1959 (Ch. 28, Art. III, of the 1972 Code)]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 360, Zoning.
Subdivision 2 of Section 178 of Chapter 64 of the laws of 1909 entitled "An act relating to villages, constituting Chapter 64 of the Consolidated Laws," as last amended by Chapter 623 of the laws of 1952, is hereby superseded and changed to read as follows:
Every zoning ordinance and every amendment to a zoning ordinance (including any map incorporated therein) adopted pursuant to the provisions of this article shall be entered in the minutes of the Village Board and a copy thereof (including any map incorporated therein) shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk and the title and a brief description of such ordinance and map shall be published in the official newspaper of the Village once before any such ordinance shall take effect, and an affidavit of such filing and publication shall be filed with the Village Clerk. Such ordinance or amendment shall take effect upon the filing with the Village Clerk of such affidavit, but such ordinance or amendment shall take effect from the date of its service as against a person served personally with a copy thereof, certified by the Village Clerk and showing the date of its passage and entry in the minutes.