On November 18, 2010, the Town of Hadley passed Articles 2,
3 and 4 of the Special Town Meeting warrant for October 28, 2010,
summarized below. Articles 2, 3 and 4 were approved by the Attorney
General on March 7, 2011. Complete copies of these articles are on
file at the office of the Town Clerk.
Article 2: That the Town renumber and recaption the General
Bylaws of the Town by (a) assigning a chapter number to each of the
General Bylaws; (b) renumbering each section of each bylaw accordingly;
(c) inserting chapter, article and section titles; and (d) updating
internal references to reflect the new numbering system, all as set
forth in the document on file in the office of the Town Clerk titled
"Town of Hadley Massachusetts Draft" dated August 2010.
Article 3: That the Town adopt the changes to the General Bylaws
as delineated in Article 3 of the Special Town Meeting warrant for
October 28, 2010, and incorporated by reference herein. Motion was
made and seconded to amend Article 3 to change all references to Board
of Selectmen to Select Board. Amendment passed.
Article 4: That the Town repeal the general bylaws which were
excluded from the codification of the bylaws as being obsolete, as
delineated in Article 4 of the Special Town Meeting warrant for October
28, 2010, and incorporated by reference herein.