No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with
or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public water main or appurtenance
thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Superintendent
and a like permit from the Superintendent of Highways, Town of Greenport.
Application for connection to the water mains shall be made
on special forms to be supplied by the Superintendent. The permit
application shall be supplemented by plans, specifications or other
information considered pertinent in the judgment of the Superintendent.
A permit and inspection fee, as hereinafter established by resolution
of the Town Board, shall be paid at the time the application is filed.
All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection
of the water service to the Town of Greenport system shall be paid
at the sole cost and expense of the property owner at fees to be established
by resolution of the Town Board.
A separate and independent water line and meter shall be required
for every building and/or using unit.
Old water mains may be used in connection with new buildings
only when they are found, on examination and test by the Superintendent,
to meet all requirements of this chapter.
The connection of water lines to water mains shall be done only
by personnel authorized by the Superintendent and under the supervision
of the Superintendent after adequate notification that the water line
is ready for inspection and connection to the public water main. No
connection or individual water lines may be installed or covered without
prior inspection by the Superintendent; and the Superintendent reserves
the right to require reexcavation before approving of the connection
to the water main.
All excavations for building water line installations shall
be adequately guarded with barricades and lights to protect the public
from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property
disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner
satisfactory to the Town.
Each water user connection shall contain two approved-type shutoffs:
at the water main (corporation tap), and at the property line a curb
cock and valve box, which shall be brought to grade. No water line
shall be of a material other than Type K copper unless otherwise approved
by the Superintendent. Plastic or ductile iron material may be permitted
with approval of the Superintendent. Where a water line made of plastic
material is used, an eighteen-gauge copper wire shall be installed
with the plastic line. All installations shall be in accordance with
Town specifications and shall be inspected and approved by the Superintendent.
No person shall open, meddle with or disarrange any hydrant,
curb stop cock, valve, meter or any fixture connected with the water
system without permission of the Superintendent.
In the event of a leak, disrepair, or malfunction of any portion
of the water line, or any violation of this chapter that, in the Superintendent's
opinion, causes or threatens to cause hazard to the public health,
the owner of the property serviced by said water line shall immediately,
at his own cost and expense, make the necessary repairs or corrective
procedures; all abandoned water services shall be shut off at the
corporation tap by the property owner. In the absence of such repairs
or corrective procedures, the Superintendent may enter upon the property
and make necessary repairs or corrective procedures at the cost and
expense of the property owner, to become a lien against said property
if unpaid.
A. Upon the effective date of this section, all meters shall be installed
by the property owner at his/her own cost, subject to the control
and direction of the Superintendent.
B. All meters shall be installed subject to the following guidelines:
(1) Four feet off the ground;
(2) Have a two-foot circumference in any direction; and
(3) Location must be easily accessible.
C. Regardless of how and when meters were installed, should a previously
installed meter become obsolete and not function properly or need
replacement due to deterioration resulting from reasonable wear and
tear, such meter shall be replaced by the water department at the
Water District cost. The Superintendent may enter upon property and
replace a meter where necessary upon 24 hours' written notice to the
property owner.
D. All meters installed in the Town of Greenport shall be the property
of the Water District and shall be maintained by the Water District.
All water shall be used for the purpose for which it was originally
installed or so stated on the permit. For any additional supply or
taps, permission must be obtained from the Superintendent in writing.
There shall be no taps, faucets, etc., between the curb cock
and meter valve.
The Town undertakes to use reasonable care and diligence to
provide a constant supply of water at reasonable pressure to users.
However, the Town reserves the right at any time, without notice,
to shut off the water in its mains for the purpose of making repairs,
taps, and extensions. The Town will, however, give notice, where practical,
of such shutoffs. The Town will not be held liable for deficiency
or failure in the supply of water or in the pressure for any cause
whatsoever. The Town does not assume any responsibility for damages
to any property due to the shutting off or turning on of water with
or without notice.