[Adopted 12-1-2009 by L.L. No. 2-2010[1] (Ch. 32, Art. III, of the 1985 Code)]
Editor's Note: This local law was vetoed by the County Executive 12-31-2009, which veto was overridden by the Legislature 2-2-2010.
This Legislature hereby finds and determines that the County of Suffolk operates marinas within its current inventory of park properties.
This Legislature also finds and determines that the Suffolk County Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation oversees the operation of these marinas.
This Legislature further finds and determines that the County's marinas offer seasonal slips, launching ramps, amenities and services which can be accessed by Suffolk County boaters at a reasonable cost.
This Legislature finds that a request for expressions of interest has been drafted and issued by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation seeking proposals from private vendors "for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of marine facilities at Shinnecock Canal County Marina, Smith Point County Marina, Timber Point Creek County Marina and Tuthill Point County Marina.
This Legislature further finds that while privatization of public facilities is appropriate in certain instances, allowing boaters easy and affordable access to Suffolk County waters is a fundamental policy goal of this Legislature.
This Legislature further finds that a policy shift that will privatize marina facilities should not occur without adequate public input. Additionally, such privatization should only go forward after being approved by this Legislature, the policy-making arm of County government.
Therefore, the purpose of this article is to require public hearings and legislative approval for any proposed privatization of County marina facilities.
No County department, office or agency shall enter into a lease, license or other contractual agreement with any person, corporation, firm, partnership, joint venture or other entity or business organization of any kind for the private construction, operation and/or maintenance of County-owned marina facilities without the prior approval of the County Legislature pursuant to a duly enacted resolution.
[Amended 9-15-2011 by L.L. No. 49-2011]
The County Legislature shall not act on any resolution proposing the private operation of a County marina unless and until the Legislature has conducted two public hearings on the resolution and the Legislative Budget Review Office has issued a report analyzing the subject proposal.