No employer shall suffer or permit an employee to use any machinery or equipment which is not in good repair and in safe working condition. All safety devices and safeguards in use shall be kept sound and operable and shall be immediately repaired or restored if damaged.
All load-carrying equipment shall be designed and constructed throughout to safely support the intended loads.
Every place where persons are required to work or pass that is normally exposed to falling material or objects shall be provided with suitable overhead protection, and, where no one is required to work or pass but employees are at work in the vicinity, the exposed area shall be roped off or otherwise guarded against inadvertent entry.
Every hole into or through which a person may fall shall be guarded by a barrier sufficient to prevent falls, except where free access is required by work actually in progress.
Where employees are exposed to the hazard of falling into water in which one may drown, there shall be provided at all times during the exposure equipment for promptly rescuing persons from the water, including a manned and properly equipped boat where necessary.
No employer shall suffer or permit an employee to use a passageway or a scaffold platform or an elevated working surface which is in a slippery condition. Ice, snow, grease and other substances causing slippery footing shall be removed, sanded or covered to provide safe footing.
All passageways shall be kept free from accumulations of dirt and debris and from other obstructions or defects which could cause tripping. Sharp projections which could cut any employee shall be removed or covered.
The parts of floors, platforms and similar areas where employees must work shall be kept free from accumulations of dirt and debris and from scattered tools and materials and from sharp projections insofar as may be consistent with the work being done.
Stairways, ramps or runways shall be provided as the means of access to working levels above or below ground, except where the nature or process of the work prevents their installation, in which case, ladders or other safe means shall be provided.
Dusts and gases shall be controlled by ventilation or otherwise so as to prevent concentrations tending to injure health or obstruct vision.
Approved eye-protection equipment shall be provided for and shall be used by workmen while employed in flame-cutting operations or in chipping or cutting any material from which particles may fly or while engaged in any other operation which may endanger the eyes.
Every employee required to pass or work within areas where there is danger of being struck by falling objects or materials shall be provided with an approved safety hat.
Every employee required to work in water or in wet footing shall be provided with waterproof boots with safety insoles.
Every employee required to work in rain or similar wetting conditions shall be provided with a waterproof coat and hat.
All personal protective equipment shall be kept clean and in good repair. Before being transferred from one employee to another, safety hats, foul weather hats, boots and hat or boot liners shall be washed or dry cleaned so as to be clean and sanitary. Goggles, glasses and protective shields shall be sterilized before being transferred from one employee to another.
Edged tools shall be kept sharp, and striking tools shall be maintained free from burrs and mushroomed heads. Split or loose tool handles shall not be used.
Lumber used in the construction of equipment or temporary structures shall be sound and shall not contain defects such as ring shakes, large or loose knots or other defects which may impair the strength of the piece for the purpose for which it is to be used.
Nails shall be driven full length, and the nails shall be of proper size, length and number to provide the required strength at the joints.