The Examining Board of Plumbers is created pursuant to Article 4 of the General City Law of the State of New York and shall be selected, hold office, have the powers and perform the functions and duties fixed by that law.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of plumbing or to install, alter or repair any plumbing system in the City of Yonkers or to display a sign or to give other notice setting forth or intending to imply that he is engaged in the business of plumbing unless he has obtained a certificate of competency from the Examining Board of Plumbers, after examination, and has duly registered said certificate and received a certificate of registration and a license plate or sign appropriately lettered or marked "LICENSED PLUMBER."
Every person who desires to engage in the business of plumbing shall make written application upon a form to be prescribed and furnished by the Examining Board of Plumbers and pay a fee of $125 for an examination by said Board. If the applicant passes the examination, he shall receive a certificate of competency from the Board upon the payment of a further fee of $25.
In the event that the applicant fails in his examination, he may apply for reexamination after a lapse of three months and the payment of a fee of $125. In the event that the applicant again fails, he may reapply at the expiration of 12 months and upon payment of an additional fee of $125.
[Amended 6-11-1991 by L.L. No. 7-1991]
Upon receipt of a certificate of competency, the applicant shall register with the Bureau and, upon payment of a fee of $200, receive from the Bureau a certificate of registration and a sign.
The certificate of registration shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year in which it has been issued and shall be renewed within 30 days preceding such expiration by application to the Bureau and upon the payment of a fee of $200. Persons employed by the City of Yonkers as plumbing inspectors and appointed members of the Examining Board of Plumbers shall be exempt from the payment of such fee.
A master plumber who permits his registration to lapse may appear before the Examining Board of Plumbers and apply for a certificate of registration upon payment of a fee of $200.
A person who has received a certificate of competency shall conspicuously post a license plate or sign in the window of the place where the business of plumbing is conducted. Such license plate or sign shall be at least 14 inches wide and not less than 22 inches in length, appropriately lettered or marked "LICENSED PLUMBER," the lines of each letter to be four inches long and 5/8 inch wide. Such license plate or sign shall, on some part thereof, contain an identification number, which number, together with the name and location of the place of business of the person to whom it is issued, shall be recorded by the Bureau.
Notice of change of address. Every registered master plumber shall give immediate notice of any change of location of his place of business to the Bureau.
Any person retiring, abandoning or not actually engaged in such trade, business or calling hereinbefore mentioned shall surrender to the Bureau the certificate of registration and license plate or sign. A lapse of registration for one year shall be considered an abandonment of the business.
Present registration and certificates to continue. All certificates and registrations of master plumbers at present in force are hereby continued and shall be renewable under the provisions of this chapter.