[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Yonkers: Art. I, 12-10-1940 by G.O. No. 35-1940; Art. II, 4-13-1954 by G.O. No. 20-1954. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-10-1940 by G.O. No. 35-1940]
In any case involving the use of the public streets of the City of Yonkers for street-railroad or motorbus purposes or involving any modification, extension or change in the form or terms of existing franchise rights, municipal consents or permits previously granted for such purposes, and in connection with which application is required by law to be made to the municipal authorities of the City of Yonkers, written application for such franchise rights, municipal consent or permits or any modification, extension or change in the form or terms of existing franchise rights, municipal consents or permits previously granted for such purposes shall be addressed to the City Council of the City of Yonkers and shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Yonkers.
The City Clerk of the City of Yonkers shall present any such application to the City Council of the City of Yonkers at the next regular meeting of said City Council following the filing of such application, and the City Council shall thereupon designate a time for a public hearing before said City Council upon such application. The time so designated shall be not later than 30 days after such application shall have been presented to the City Council. The City Council shall also designate at least one daily newspaper, published in the City of Yonkers, in which notice of the making of such application, and of the time and place at which a public hearing will be held thereon, shall be published at least twice before such public hearing shall be held.
Within two days thereafter, the City Clerk of the City of Yonkers shall prepare the form of such notice so required to be published, which notice shall contain a brief statement of the nature of the application and shall state the time and place at which a public hearing will be held thereon, and the City Clerk shall transmit the same to the applicant with a notification that the applicant is required to cause the same to be published, at the applicant's expense, in the newspaper or newspapers designated by the City Council for this purpose at least twice prior to the day set for such public hearing and that proof of such publication, to be made by affidavit of the publisher of said newspaper or newspapers, must be filed in the office of the City Clerk at least three days prior to the day set for such public hearing.
Where, pursuant to the provisions of any law, a public hearing is required, after public notice, in connection with any such application, compliance with the provision of such law with reference to the publication of such notice and the holding of the public hearing thereon shall be deemed sufficient compliance with the provisions of this article.
Public hearing upon any such application shall be held at the time and place designated in the public notice hereinbefore provided for. Such public hearing may be adjourned from time to time in the discretion of the City Council; but in case of such adjournment, the time and place for the resumption of such hearing shall be publicly announced when such adjournment is taken.
[Adopted 4-13-1954 by G.O. No. 20-1954]
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article I hereof granting terminable permits to companies and corporations to operate buses and motor vehicles over regular routes in the City of Yonkers, or in any other general or special ordinance, the consent of the City of Yonkers is hereby given to each and every company and corporation operating buses and motor vehicles over the streets of the City of Yonkers under the terms and conditions of terminable permits granted to such companies and corporations to place and display advertising signs on the exterior of each bus or motor vehicle owned and/or operated by said companies and corporations.
Not more than two advertising signs shall be placed or displayed on each side of the bus or motor vehicle, and not more than one advertising sign shall be placed or displayed on the front or rear of such bus or motor vehicle.
Each and every advertising sign placed or displayed on the sides of a bus or motor vehicle shall be not more than 27 inches in length and 25 inches in breadth, and each and every advertising sign placed or displayed on the front or on the rear of a bus or vehicle shall be not more than 40 inches in length and 12 inches in breadth.
The Police Commissioner of the City of Yonkers shall have the right and power to determine whether any advertising sign placed or displayed on the exterior of a bus or motor vehicle is objectionable and, if objectionable, to require the removal of any such advertising sign.
The aforesaid companies and corporations shall comply with the Code of the City of Yonkers, all regulations of the Police Commissioner and all regulations and orders of the Public Service Commission of the State of New York.
The consent hereby given may, in the event of any violation, breach or failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this article, be revoked by the City Council on five days' notice, in writing, to the company or corporation committing such violation.