[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Yonkers 2-25-2020 by G.O. No. 3-2020. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this legislation is to protect persons from threatening, intimidating or harassing behavior, to keep public places safe and attractive for use by all members of the community and to maintain and preserve public places where all of the community can interact in a peaceful manner. The City Council finds that aggressive acts associated with solicitation tend to intimidate persons in public places, and can lead to disruption and disorder in public places. Aggressive acts can also cause persons to avoid public places and lead to declining patronage of commercial establishments.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Shall mean a) intentionally or recklessly making any physical contact with or touching another person in the course of the solicitation, or approaching within arm's length of the person, except with the person's consent; b) following the person being solicited, if that conduct is intended to or is likely to cause a reasonable person to fear imminent bodily harm or the commission of a criminal act upon property in the person's possession, or is intended to or is reasonably likely to intimidate the person being solicited into responding affirmatively to the solicitation; c) intentionally or recklessly blocking the safe or free passage of the person being solicited or requiring the person, or the driver of a vehicle, to take evasive action to avoid physical contact with the person making the solicitation; or d) approaching the person being solicited in a manner that is intended to or is likely to cause a reasonable person to fear imminent bodily harm or the commission of a criminal act upon property in the person's possession or is intended to or is likely to intimidate the person being solicited into responding affirmatively to the solicitation.
A device, linked to a financial institution's account records, which is able to carry out transactions, including, but not limited to: account transfers, deposits, cash withdrawals, balance inquiries, and mortgage and loan payments.
The area comprised of one or more automated teller machines, and any adjacent space which is made available to banking customers after regular banking hours.
All banks, saving and loan associations, credit unions, and savings banks.
Any area or building owned, leased, operated or controlled by or on behalf of any government, municipality, public authority or public corporation in the City of Yonkers which is generally accessible by the public, including but not limited to any street, including the sidewalk portion thereof, park, playground, recreation area, school, or school grounds, building, facility, driveway, parking lot or parking garage, and the doorways and entrances to buildings and dwellings.
Shall include, without limitation, the spoken, written, or printed word or such other acts or bodily gestures as are conducted in furtherance of the purposes of immediately obtaining money or any other thing of value.
No person shall solicit in an aggressive manner in a public place.
No person shall solicit, ask or beg within 10 feet of any entrance or exit of any bank or check cashing business during its business hours or within 10 feet of any automated teller machine during the time it is available for customers' use; provided, however, that when an automated teller machine is located within an automated teller machine facility, such distance shall be measured from the entrance or exit of the automated teller machine facility; provided further that no person shall solicit, ask or beg within an automated teller machine facility where a reasonable person would or should know that he or she does not have the permission to do so from the owner or other person lawfully in possession of such facility. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the lawful vending of goods and services within such areas.
Any violation of this chapter shall be a Class II offense.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this chapter or application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof or the application thereof to other persons and circumstances, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph or part thereof and the persons and circumstances directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.