In kitchens, cabinets and/or shelves shall be provided for the storage of eating, drinking and cooking equipment and utensils and for the storage of food that does not require refrigeration. Adequate counter space for the preparation of food shall also be provided. Cabinets, shelves and counters shall be of sound construction furnished with surfaces that are easily cleanable and that will not impart any toxic or deleterious effect to food.
Doors to dwelling units shall be equipped with a heavy-duty lockset, equipped with stopwork for control of the knob and an additional dead bolt or auxiliary latch bolt to prevent manipulation by means other than a key. These doors shall also be equipped with a chain doorguard so as to permit partial opening of the door.
All openable windows shall be equipped with sash locks designed to be openable from the inside only. Grilles, lockable from the inside only, may be placed on the inside or outside of windows that are accessible from grade but that do not serve to provide access to exits.
Dwelling unit entrance doors shall be equipped with a viewing device located so as to enable a person on the inside of the entrance door to view a person immediately outside.
Building entrance doors and other exterior exit doors shall be equipped with heavy-duty locksets with auxiliary latch bolts to prevent the latch from being manipulated by means other than a key. Latch sets shall have stopwork in the inside cylinder controlled by a master key only.
All buildings containing eight or more dwelling units shall be provided with an intercommunication system located at the door giving access to the main entrance hall or lobby and permitting such dwelling unit occupant to release the locking mechanism of said door from the dwelling unit; provided, however, that all such buildings constructed hereafter shall be provided with devices for voice communication between the occupant of each dwelling unit and a person outside the door to the main entrance hall or lobby.
Definitions. When used in this section, the following words or terms shall have the following meanings:
Any person 10 years of age or younger.
Proper installation and maintenance of window guards in a manner approved by the Department.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
An owner, agent or other person who manages or controls a multiple dwelling or dwelling units in a multiple dwelling.
A lessee or other occupant regularly residing within a dwelling unit, regardless of whether said occupant is a party to a lease agreement.
Installation responsibilities.
The landlord shall provide, install and maintain a window guard, of a type deemed acceptable by the Department, installation to be made pursuant to specifications provided by the Department, on the windows of each apartment in which a child or children 10 years of age and under reside and on the windows, if any, in the public halls of a multiple dwelling in which such children reside, except that this section shall not apply to windows giving access to fire escapes or to a window on the first floor that is a required means of egress from the dwelling unit. It shall be the duty of each landlord who manages or controls a multiple dwelling to ascertain whether such a child resides therein. This installation shall not be construed or allowed as a major capital improvement and the cost of funding cannot be passed along to the tenant.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
No tenant of a multiple dwelling unit or other person shall obstruct or interfere with the installation of window guards required by Subsection B(1), nor shall any person remove such window guards.
No landlord shall refuse a written request of a tenant of a multiple dwelling unit to install window guards, regardless of whether such is required by Subsection B(1), except that this section shall not apply to windows giving access to fire escapes.
The provision of this section concerning installation responsibilities shall not apply to any dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling which is an owner-occupied condominium or cooperative dwelling unit. If the condominium or cooperative dwelling unit is not owner-occupied, then the provision of this section will apply.
Notice to tenants.
All leases offered to tenants in multiple dwellings must contain a notice, conspicuously set forth therein, which advises tenants of the obligation of the landlord to install window guards and where further information regarding the procurement of such window guards is available.
The landlord must cause to be delivered to each residential unit within 30 days of a change of occupancy not involving a written lease a notice advising occupants of the obligation of such landlord to install window guards and where further information regarding the procurement of such window guards is available.
No person shall direct or divert the flow of any surface drainage in or on any court, yard, area or the premises of any habitable building or on the property of others.
Disposal of garbage, refuse, rubbish and waste material regulated. No person shall throw, place or deposit or permit any person under his control or employment to throw, place or deposit any garbage, refuse, rubbish or waste material except as in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the New York Uniform Code.
Approved receptacles to be provided. Every person in responsible charge of any building or structure in the City of Yonkers shall provide and cause to be kept and provided, for the exclusive use of such building or structure, an adequate number of approved, separate receptacles for holding, respectively, without leakage, burnable refuse and nonburnable refuse, to accommodate accumulations between collections.
Storage of garbage and other waste materials.
All garbage deposited in such receptacles shall be securely wrapped. All receptacles containing garbage shall be tightly covered at all times with approved covers. Every such receptacle shall be kept at all times in a condition satisfactory to the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Buildings.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
No receptacle shall be placed upon any street, sidewalk, footpath, alley or any other public place whatsoever, except that covered receptacles may be placed at such locations for collection after sundown the night previous to collection.
Empty receptacles shall be removed from such locations the same day as soon as possible after collections have been made. No such receptacle, refuse, rubbish or waste material shall be so placed or stored as to contribute to the creation of a health nuisance.
Whenever it may be deemed necessary by the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Buildings, platforms constructed of an impervious material shall be used for the storage of receptacles so as to eliminate the creation of a health nuisance.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
Dog waste disposal stations, to be provided. Every person in responsible charge of any building or structure that allow dogs to be kept in the City of Yonkers, with 25 to 50 dwelling spaces or units, shall provide or cause to be kept and provided, in a suitable location(s) on the premises, for the exclusive use of such building or structure, a dog waste disposal station which shall provide biodegradable bags and a receptacle for holding dog waste. Every building or structure that allow dogs to be kept, with 51 or more, dwelling spaces or units, shall provide two or more dog waste disposal stations. Every person in responsible charge of such building or structure shall ensure that all dog waste collected is properly and regularly disposed.
[Added 1-29-2019 by L.L. No. 1-2019]
Lighting. Adequate lighting shall be provided in refuse rooms.
Maintenance. Refuse chutes, refuse rooms, hoppers and all parts of the refuse collecting system shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times, free of vermin, odors and defects, and shall be maintained in good operating condition.
Pest control. The owner shall establish a program to ensure that the refuse chute and refuse room and all appurtenances will be treated as often as necessary to prevent infestation of insects or rodents. The owner shall maintain records of such treatments, which shall be available to the Department at all times.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
Collection and disposal of refuse within premises. The collection and disposal of refuse within any building or on any premises shall be performed as is necessary to provide for the safety, health and well-being of the occupants of buildings and of the public.
Noise control. Refuse compactors shall be so operated as not to cause any noise nuisance to occupants of the building.
Notification to Commissioner of Public Works. The owner, agent or person in responsible charge of any building, structure or property using a compactor must notify the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Yonkers within three weeks of operation time so that he may make arrangements for the pickup of the raw refuse.
Insects and rodents to be controlled. No person in responsible charge of any building, structure or property within the City of Yonkers shall allow such building, structure or property to become infested with insects or rodents in violation of the New York Uniform Code or this section.
Insect or rodent conditions to be eliminated. The Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Buildings shall cause an inspection to be made of any building, structure or property which he has good reason to believe is not free from an insect or rodent condition. If such building, structure or property is found to be insect- or rodent-infested, a notice shall be served upon such owner to correct such infestation. The owner, being so notified that such insect or rodent infestation exists, shall take immediate and necessary measures to remedy such condition.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
Removal, damaging or destroying of ratproofing measures prohibited. No person shall remove, damage or destroy any part of any building, structure or other appurtenance of improved real estate premises intended to protect such premises against ingress of rodents nor in any way create a condition by which ingress for rodents is made possible, provided that this section shall not apply where the interference with such ratproofing is made necessary in connection with lawful construction. Ratproofing so affected or destroyed shall be promptly restored.
Feeding of birds, fowl or other animals regulated in and around multiunit residential buildings. No person shall place food for the feeding of birds, fowl, dogs, cats, or other animals in the open or in such a manner that such food is accessible to rodents, except where such food is placed in such containers as will prevent the scattering of such food upon the ground, and after such feeding, no food shall be left overnight in any hallway or public area, either indoor or outdoor, of a residential building.
[Amended 3-28-2023 by L.L. No. 10-2023]
Use of fumigants, insecticides and rodenticides regulated. No person shall use in any building, structure or other enclosed space in the City of Yonkers a fumigant or a liquid, solid or powdered insecticide or rodenticide for the destruction or control of insects, rodents or other pests in such manner as to cause a nuisance or endanger the health or safety of the occupant.
Notification of fumigation. No person shall fumigate any building, structure or other enclosed space in the City of Yonkers without first giving 24 hours' notice of such fumigation to the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Buildings, the Fire Department and the Police Department. Notification shall include the location of the building, structure or enclosed space to be fumigated as well as its character and use, the type of fumigant, the date and time when such fumigation will be performed and the approximate time of completion.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
Premises to be vacant prior to and during fumigation. No building, structure or enclosed space shall be occupied by human beings during the period of fumigation, and all necessary precautions and examinations shall be taken previous to such fumigation to assure that no person remains therein and also that all necessary precautions have been taken to safeguard the lives and health of all persons occupying buildings adjoining that in which the fumigation is to be performed.
Notification of use of rodenticides and insecticides poisonous to human life.
No person shall use any rodenticide or insecticide poisonous to human life without first having given notice of 24 hours to the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Buildings of such use.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
No rodenticide or insecticide restricted by any state or federal agency is to be used without the approval of the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Buildings.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
No rodenticide or insecticide prohibited by any state or federal agency is to be used.
Licensing permit required for exterminators. No person shall engage in the business of extermination for the destruction or control of rodents, insects, vermin or other pests or hold himself out as being in such business without a permit issued by the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Buildings and payment of a fee. Said fee shall be in an amount determined by the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Buildings, and it shall be effective 48 hours after it shall have been posted in the City Clerk's office. Before a permit may be issued, said person shall meet requirements on file with the Department.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
Revocation of permit. Failure on the part of a fumigator, exterminator or pest-control operator to comply with the provisions of this code or the standards of operation adopted by the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Buildings for the use of such fumigants, rodenticides or insecticides shall be cause for revocation of permit.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
No person shall occupy or let to another for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit, for the purpose of living therein, which does not comply with the following requirements:
Every dwelling unit shall contain at least 150 square feet of floor space for the first occupant thereof and at least 100 additional square feet of floor space for every additional occupant thereof, the floor space to be calculated on the basis of total habitable room area.
In every dwelling unit of two or more rooms, every room occupied for sleeping purposes by one occupant shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor space, and every room occupied for sleeping purposes by more than one occupant shall contain at least 50 square feet of floor space for each occupant thereof.
No dwelling or dwelling unit containing two or more sleeping rooms shall have such room arrangements that access to a bathroom or water closet compartment intended for use by occupants of more than one sleeping room can be had only by going through another sleeping room or public hallway, nor shall room arrangements be such that access to a sleeping room can be had only by going through another sleeping room or a bathroom or water closet compartment or public hallway.
The floor area of every habitable room shall have a ceiling height of at least seven feet six inches, except that in any habitable room under a sloping ceiling, at least 1/2 of the floor area of every habitable room shall have a ceiling height of at least seven feet six inches, and the floor area of that part of any room where the ceiling height is less than five feet shall not be considered as part of the floor area in computing the total floor area of the room for the purpose of determining the maximum permissible occupancy thereof.
No cellar space shall be used as a habitable room or dwelling unit.
No basement space shall be used as a habitable room or dwelling unit unless:
The floor and walls are impervious to leakage of underground and surface runoff water and are insulated against dampness.
The total window area in each habitable room is at least equal to the minimum window sizes required in these regulations and such required window area is located entirely above the grade of the ground adjoining such window area.
The total openable window area in each room is equal to at least the minimum as required in these regulations, except where there is provided another mechanical device affording adequate ventilation and approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Buildings.
[Amended 7-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
There are no pipes, ducts or other obstructions less than six feet eight inches above the floor level which interfere with the normal use of the room or area.
All legal nonconforming dwelling units which are in use and constructed prior to the introduction of the Multiple Residence Law of 1951 shall be exempt from complying with Subsections A, B, C, D and F of this section. However, upon rerental of the dwelling units, it shall be the responsibility of the landlord, owner or agent or any other representative or any other responsible party at the time of the rerental to comply with all subsections as specified in this section.
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.