It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, store or keep for sale within the City any paints, varnishes or lacquers in quantities greater than 10 gallons without a permit from the Fire Commissioner.
A permit for the manufacture, compounding or mixing of paints, varnishes and lacquers and for the storage thereof may be issued by the Fire Commissioner upon a written application giving in detail the following information:
The name and address of the applicant.
The location of the premises.
The nature of construction of the building.
Other purposes for which the building is used and the number of families residing therein, if any.
The maximum quantity of turpentine, alcohol, volatile flammable and other oils to be stored.
The nature of the business in which the applicant is engaged in such building.
For a permit allowing the manufacture, storage or keeping for sale of paints, varnishes, lacquers and volatile flammable liquids, the applicant shall pay an annual permit fee.
No permit for the manufacture, mixing or compounding of paint, varnishes or lacquers shall be issued for any premises:
Which is situated within 100 feet of the nearest wall of a building occupied as a hospital, church, school, theater or place of amusement or assembly.
Which is of frame construction.
Which is a frame dwelling, hotel, workshop or factory.
Which is lighted by means other than electricity.
Where drugs, cigars, cigarettes or tobacco are kept for sale.
Where dry goods or other highly flammable materials are manufactured, stored or kept for sale.
Each permit for the manufacture, mixing or compounding of paints, varnishes and lacquers shall state specifically the maximum quantity of volatile flammable oils, turpentine and alcohols allowed to be stored on the premises covered by the permit.
No permit to maintain and operate a paint, varnish and lacquer establishment shall be issued for any premises which is not equipped with an approved storage system for the storage and handling of volatile flammable oils where the same exceeds five gallons and unless the following provisions and precautions are observed:
No paints, varnishes, lacquers, volatile flammable oils or similar volatile liquids shall be stored in the cellar or basement of any building used wholly or in part as a dwelling, nor shall any such materials be stored in any cellar or basement except upon written approval of the Fire Commissioner.
Volatile flammable oils stored or kept in quantities of five gallons or less shall be kept in approved safety cans, and in quantities in excess of five gallons as provided in this chapter.