It shall be unlawful to install, repair, alter or extend any oil-burning equipment or any part thereof without first having obtained a permit and license from the Fire Commissioner, except that no permit shall be required for emergency or general service repairs which require no change in the equipment.
Application for such permit or license shall be accompanied by a permit fee.
No permit shall authorize work on more than one oil-burning equipment, except where several oil burners are fed directly by permanent piping from a single, joint source of fuel supply on the same premises.
In the event that said application includes a request for permission to install one or more fuel-oil storage tanks under the City sidewalk property, such installation shall conform to the requirements of this chapter and the New York Uniform Code.
It shall be unlawful to use or permit the use of any such equipment until the Fire Commissioner has approved the same as meeting the requirements of this chapter and the New York Uniform Code.