Sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire alarm systems and other fire protective or extinguishing systems or appliances which have been installed in compliance with any permit or order or because of any law or ordinance shall be maintained in operative condition at all times, and it shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant to reduce the effectiveness of the protection required; except that this shall not prohibit the owner or occupant from temporarily reducing or discontinuing the protection where necessary to make tests, repairs, alterations or additions. The Fire Department shall be notified before such tests, repairs, alterations or additions are started and when they have been completed.
When any required fire alarm, fire communication, fire-extinguishing, fire-detecting, first-aid or fire-fighting system, device or unit or part thereof becomes inoperative and affects the firesafety of a building or structure or the occupants therein, the Fire Department may order the building or structure or portion thereof vacated until the inoperative system, device or unit is repaired and returned to full service.
In vacant or unoccupied buildings or portions thereof, all required sprinkler, standpipe and fire alarm systems and all component parts shall be maintained in operating condition at all times.
When a building is being demolished and a standpipe or sprinkler system exists within the building, the standpipe and sprinkler system shall be maintained in an operable condition so as to be available for use by the Fire Department. The standpipe and sprinkler system shall be demolished with the building, but in no case shall the system or systems be demolished more than one floor below the floor being demolished.
Business buildings shall have an approved automatic sprinkler system or other approved suppression system installed throughout the building covering all areas. The main sprinkler control valve shall be electrically supervised so that the alarm will sound when the valve is closed. The activation of the sprinkler system or other suppression system shall:
Cause the fire alarm signal system to sound continuously throughout the building.
Cause the fire alarm signal to be transmitted to the Fire Department.
Stop the air supply into the air return from the floor where activated.
Cause the overriding of the programming for car stops of all automatic elevators serving the floor where activated and bring them nonstop to the main floor.
Business buildings shall have a communication system acceptable to the Fire Commissioner consisting of:
Loudspeakers on each floor of the building, in each elevator and each stair enclosure, which shall be capable of being operated from an area designated by the Commissioner; and
A two-way voice communication capability between the following locations:
A designated floor warden station on each floor.
Mechanical control center.
Air-handling control rooms.
Elevator machine rooms.
Business buildings shall have an approved fire alarm system installed, in which:
At least one sending station shall be located in each story in an accessible position in a natural path of escape or exitway.
All stations shall be located so that no point on any floor of the building is more than 150 feet distant from a station.
The fire alarm system shall be connected to the local fire department.
Business buildings shall have an approved standpipe system installed.
Business buildings 75 feet in height shall have elevators equipped for emergency operations with a Fire Department return system in accordance with the Building Code.
Business buildings shall be furnished with signs, as follows:
Signs at elevator landings.
A sign shall be posted and maintained on every floor at the elevator landing.
The sign shall read "IN CASE OF FIRE USE STAIRS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED." The lettering shall be at least one-half-inch block letters, red with white background or as otherwise approved by the Commissioner. Such lettering shall be properly spaced to provide good legibility.
The sign shall also contain a diagram showing the location where it is posted and the location and letter identification of the stairs on the floor.
The sign shall be at least 10 inches by 12 inches, located directly above a call button and securely attached to the wall or partition. The top of such sign shall not be above six feet from the floor level.
The diagram on such sign may be omitted, provided that signs containing such diagram are posted in conspicuous places on the respective floor. In such case, the sign at the elevator landing shall be at least 2 1/2 inches by 10 inches, and the diagram signs shall be at least eight inches by 12 inches.
Floor numbering signs.
A sign shall be posted and maintained within each stair enclosure on every floor, indicating the number of the floor.
The numerals shall be of bold type and at least three inches high. The numerals and background shall be in contrasting colors. The sign shall be securely attached to the stair side of the door.
Stair and elevator identification signs.
Each stair and each bank of elevators shall be identified by an alphabetic letter.
A sign indicating the letter of identification for the elevator bank shall be posted and maintained at each elevator landing.
The stair identification sign shall be posted and maintained on the occupancy side of the stair door. The lettering on the sign shall be at least three inches high, of bold type and of contrasting color from the background. Such signs shall be securely attached.
Stair reentry signs.
Signs shall be posted and maintained on the stair door at each floor indicating whether reentry is provided into the building and the floor where such reentry is provided. The lettering and numerals of the signs shall be at least 1/2 inch high of bold type. The lettering and background shall be contrasting colors, and the signs shall be securely attached approximately five feet above the floor.
The signs shall read as follows and may either be independent or combined with other signs required herein:
Where no reentry is provided from the stairs to any floor, the sign shall read "NO REENTRY FROM THIS STAIR," and such sign shall be on the occupancy side of the stair door at each floor. No reentry sign shall be required on the stair side of the door.
Where reentry is provided to specified floors:
On the stair side of the door at floors where reentry is provided, the sign shall read "REENTRY ON THIS FLOOR."
Where no reentry is provided on that floor, the sign on the stair side of the door shall read "NO REENTRY, NEAREST REENTRY ON THE _____ AND _____ FLOORS." The floor numbers of the nearest reentry below and the nearest reentry floor above shall be entered in the blank spaces.
Materials for signs. Signs required by this section shall be of metal or other durable material.
Institutional buildings shall have an electrically supervised, manually operated fire alarm system installed. The fire alarm system shall be connected to the local fire department. Presignal systems shall not be permitted in institutional occupancies.
An automatic fire detection system shall be installed in all corridors of institutional buildings. All automatic detection systems shall be electrically interconnected to the fire alarm system.
An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all institutional buildings. Required automatic sprinkler systems shall be electrically interconnected to the fire alarm system. The main sprinkler control valve shall be electrically supervised so that the alarm will sound when the valve is closed.
Hotels, dormitories, lodging or rooming houses shall have an electrically supervised, manually operated fire alarm system. The fire alarm system shall be connected to the Fire Department.
Automatic sprinkler systems shall be provided throughout all hotels, dormitories, lodging or rooming houses. Required automatic sprinkler systems shall be electrically interconnected with the fire alarm system. The main sprinkler control valve shall be electrically supervised so that the alarm will sound when the valve is closed.
All hotels, dormitories, lodging or rooming houses shall have an approved standpipe system installed.
Apartment buildings shall have an approved automatic sprinkler system installed throughout the areas listed below:
Public corridors.
All area of basements.
Parking garages.
Hazardous areas, which include but are not restricted to the following:
Boiler, heater or furnace rooms.
Storage rooms.
Fuel storage rooms.
Janitor closets.
Maintenance shops, including woodworking and painting shops.
Group kitchens.
Repair shops.
Handicraft shops.
Locker rooms.
Linen rooms.
Trash collection and compactor rooms.
Gift shops.
Refrigeration machinery rooms.
Community rooms.
Required detecting device and automatic sprinkler systems shall be electrically interconnected with the fire alarm system. The main sprinkler control valve shall be electrically supervised so that the alarm will sound when the valve is closed. The fire alarm system shall be connected to the Fire Department.
Apartment buildings shall have an approved standpipe system installed.
Mercantile and industrial buildings shall have an approved automatic sprinkler system installed throughout the building covering all areas. The main sprinkler control valve shall be electrically supervised so that the alarm will sound when the valve is closed. The activation of the sprinkler system shall:
Cause the fire alarm signal system to sound continuously throughout the building.
Cause the fire alarm signal to be transmitted to the Fire Department.
Stop the air supply into and the air return from the floor where activated.
Cause the overriding of the programming for car stops of all automatic elevators serving the floor where activated and bring them nonstop to the main floor.
Mercantile and industrial buildings shall have a communication system acceptable to the Fire Commissioner consisting of:
Loudspeakers on each floor of the building, in each elevator and each stair enclosure, which shall be capable of being operated from an area designated by the Fire Commissioner.
A two-way voice communication capability between the area designated by the Fire Commissioner and the following locations:
A designated floor warden station on each floor.
Mechanical control center.
Air-handling control rooms.
Elevator machine rooms.
Mercantile and industrial buildings shall have an approved fire alarm system installed, in which:
At least one sending station shall be located in each story in an accessible position in a natural path of escape or exitway.
All stations shall be located so that no point on any floor of the building is more than 150 feet distant from a station.
The fire alarm system shall be connected to the Fire Department.
Buildings covered under this section shall have private generating plant(s) of at least two hours' capacity to furnish emergency power to the following:
Exit and exit direction lights.
Emergency (white) lighting for exitways, other than exits and exit directional lights.
The motors to any fans installed in shafts and hoistways for smoke control.
The motors to the fans in the supply ducts and in any exhaust ducts of the ventilating systems.
Buildings covered under this section shall have signs as follows:
Signs at elevator landings.
A sign shall be posted and maintained on every floor at the elevator landing. The sign shall read "IN CASE OF FIRE USE STAIRS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED." The lettering shall be at least one-half-inch block letters, in red with white background or as otherwise approved by the Commission. Such lettering shall be properly spaced to provide good legibility.
The sign shall also contain a diagram showing the location where it is posted and the location and letter identification of the stairs on the floor.
The sign shall be at least 10 inches by 12 inches, located directly above a call button and securely attached to the wall or partition. The top of such sign shall not be above six feet from the floor level.
Floor number signs.
A sign shall be posted and maintained within each stair enclosure on every floor, indicating the number of the floor.
The numerals shall be of bold type and at least three inches high. The numerals and background shall be in contrasting colors. The sign shall be securely attached to the stair side of the door.
Stair and elevator identification signs.
Each stair and each bank of elevators shall be identified by an alphabetic letter. A sign indicating the letter of identification for the elevator bank shall be posted and maintained at each elevator landing directly above or part of the sign specified in Subsection B(1).
The stair identification sign shall be posted and maintained on the occupancy side of the stair door. The lettering on the sign shall be at least three inches high, of bold type and of contrasting color from the background. Such signs shall be securely attached.
Stair reentry signs.
Signs shall be posted and maintained on the stair door at each floor indicating whether reentry is provided into the building and the floor where such reentry is provided.
The lettering and numerals of the signs shall be at least one-half-inch high of bold type. The lettering and background shall be contrasting colors and the signs shall be securely attached approximately five feet above the floor.
The signs shall read as follows and may be either independent or combined with the corresponding sign required by Subsection B(2) or (3):
Where no reentry is provided from the stairs to any floor, the sign shall read "NO REENTRY FROM THIS STAIR" and such sign shall be on the occupancy side of the stair door at each floor. No reentry sign shall be required on the stair side of the door.
Where reentry is provided to specified floors:
On the stair side of the door at floors where reentry is provided, the signs shall read "REENTRY ON THIS FLOOR."
Where no reentry is provided on that floor, the sign on the stair side of the door shall read "NO REENTRY; NEAREST REENTRY ON THE _____ AND _____ FLOORS." The floor numbers of the nearest reentry below and the nearest reentry floor above shall be entered in the blank spaces.
Materials for signs. Signs required by this section shall be of metal or other durable material.
A place of assembly, as defined herein, shall not be maintained, operated or used as such without a permit from the Fire Commissioner, except that no permit shall be required for any place of assembly used solely as a place of religious worship as approved by the Fire Commissioner.
"Place of assembly" shall mean a room or space used for gathering together of 50 or more persons in commercial places of assembly and 100 or more persons in noncommercial places of assembly. Such room or space shall include any similarly occupied connecting room or space in the same story or in a story or stories above or below.
Group homes.
Extinguishers shall be installed in kitchens, boiler rooms, basements and hallways.
Folding drop ladders or attached vertical ladders are not acceptable as secondary means of egress.
A telephone shall be provided with emergency instructions posted nearby for fire and police.
Children and staff shall be instructed at regular intervals in evacuation of the building.
Family day-care homes.
Electrical heaters or other portable heating devices shall not be used in rooms accessible to children, regardless of the type of fuel used.
Extinguishers shall be installed in the kitchen, boiler room and hallways.
Children shall be cared for only on such floors as are provided with readily accessible alternate means of egress which are remote from each other.
A procedure for evacuation of the children shall be established.
Quarterly fire drills shall be held and a written record of such drills shall be on file.
Day-care centers.
Fire extinguishers shall be installed in the following areas:
One fire extinguisher suitable for Class A fires shall be installed for each 2,500 square feet of floor space within 100 feet of travel distance from any point.
Kitchens shall be equipped with a Class B extinguisher, minimum five-pound capacity, wall-mounted and easily accessible. The extinguisher shall be a dry chemical or carbon dioxide type.
A Class B extinguisher shall be provided for the boiler room if the boiler room is part of the day-care center.