[Adopted 7-7-1959 by Ch. 14, G.O. No. 29-1959]
No person, except those duly licensed, shall receive or entertain, for profit or hire, upon or within his premises, any party of passengers from any excursion steamboat or barge or railroad cars.
The City Clerk shall have power to grant licenses, to such persons as he may deem proper, to keep grounds for the entertainment of parties making an excursion of pleasure and shall charge and collect $35 for each license for one year so granted.
Such persons so licensed shall, between the first and fifth days of each and every month, make and file with the City Clerk a true and correct statement or account, to be verified with their affidavit, of the number of such excursion parties received and entertained by them during the preceding month and shall, in addition to their license fee, at the time of making and filing such statement or account, pay to the City Comptroller $5 for each and every excursion party received and entertained by them during the preceding month.
If any person so licensed shall fail to make such monthly statement and payment or shall make a false statement or account of the number of excursion parties received and entertained by him, his license shall be forfeited and void.
Persons applying for such licenses shall, before receiving the same, execute and deliver to the City a bond in such sum of not less than $500 and with such sureties as the City Clerk shall approve, conditioned that the person so licensed shall render such statements and pay over to the City Comptroller such sums, within the time prescribed, as required by this article.
No steamboat or barge, while making an excursion of pleasure, shall, without a permit from the City Clerk, land any passenger within the City except upon the grounds of a person who shall have received a license from the City Clerk to keep grounds for the purpose of accommodating excursion and picnic parties.
The City Clerk is hereby authorized to grant the permit required by § 100-26 of this article upon receiving payment of a sum of not less than $35.