[Amended 2-28-1950 by G.O. No. 6-1950]
For parking areas, including access and service roads, asphaltic-concrete pavement on a broken-stone base, on a portland-cement base or on asphalt-macadam base (penetration method) is hereby prescribed, approved and adopted, the same to be in accordance with the requirements set forth in this article.
[Amended 2-28-1950 by G.O. No. 6-1950; 7-3-1990 by L.L. No. 5-1990]
Excavation. The roadbed shall be excavated to subgrade and thoroughly rolled with a ten-ton roller until the surface of the subgrade is solid and parallel with the proposed finished grade of the pavement. Depth below the finished grade shall be determined by the thickness of the broken stone or concrete base and the asphaltic-concrete top called for on the plans and in the job specifications.
Base. Upon the subgrade prepared as above shall be laid a base of concrete, of broken stone or of asphalt macadam as called for and of such thickness as shown on the plan and designated in the job specifications.
Pavement to be one-course or two-course. The asphaltic-concrete pavement shall be either one-course of two-inch or two-and-one-half-inch compacted thickness or two-course of three-inch compacted thickness, as called for on the plans and in the job specifications.
One-course pavement. On the broken-stone or concrete base shall be placed on asphaltic-concrete wearing course, to be leveled, raked and rolled with a ten-ton roller to the satisfaction of the Engineer and to a compacted thickness of two inches or 2 1/2 inches, as called for on the plans and in the job specifications.
Two-course pavement.
On the broken-stone or concrete base shall be placed an asphaltic-concrete binder course, to be leveled, raked and rolled with a ten-ton roller to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works and to a compacted thickness of 1 1/2 inches. The surface of the binder course after compaction shall be 1 1/2 inches below and parallel to the established grade for the finished pavement and shall be free from depressions exceeding 1/4 inch, as measured with a ten-foot straightedge paralleling the center line of the street.
On the compacted binder course shall be placed a wearing course of asphaltic concrete, either graded stone aggregate mix or sheet mix as called for in the job specifications. Such wearing course shall be leveled, raked and rolled with a ten-ton roller to the satisfaction of the Engineer and to a compacted thickness of 1 1/2 inches. The surface of the wearing course after compaction shall conform to the established grade for the finished pavement and shall be free from depressions exceeding 1/8 inch as measured with a ten-ton straightedge paralleling the center line of the street.
In the wearing course, the graded stone aggregate mix shall consist of a graded stone aggregate passing a one-half-inch screen and all retained on a No. 10 screen, a graded fine aggregate of sand or stone screenings, all of which shall pass a No. 10 screen, a mineral filler and asphalt cement, all of which are to be proportioned and mixed according to approved manufacturer's specifications. It is intended that the paving mixture shall have an approximate composition as follows: 50% coarse aggregate, 36.5% fine aggregate, 6% mineral filler and 7.5% cement. The above percentages are not rigidly fixed and are subject to the final approval of the City's testing agency. See Subsection I below.
In the wearing course, the sheet mix shall consist of a graded sand aggregate, all of which shall pass a No. 10 sieve, a mineral filler and asphalt cement, all of which are to be proportioned and mixed according to approved manufacturer's specifications. It is intended that the paving mixture called for under this subsection shall have an approximate composition as follows: 73% sand, 16% mineral filler and 11% asphalt cement. The above percentages are not rigidly fixed and are subject to the final approval of the City's testing agency. See Subsection I below.
The binder course shall consist of a mixture of graded stone aggregate, all passing a one-inch screen and all retained on a No. 10 screen, a graded fine aggregate of sand or stone screenings, all of which shall pass a No. 10 screen, and asphalt cement, all to be proportioned and mixed according to approved manufacturer's specifications. It is intended that the paving mixture shall have an approximate composition as follows: 75% coarse aggregate, 20% fine aggregate and 5% asphalt cement. The above percentages are not rigidly fixed and are subject to the final approval of the City's testing agency. See Subsection I below.
Broken stone shall be produced from tough, durable rock and shall be free from elongated pieces, soft or disintegrated stone, dirt or other objectionable material.
Sand shall consist of clean, hard, durable grains, free from clay, loam and other foreign materials.
Mineral filler shall consist of limestone dust or other approved material.
Asphalt cement shall be refined asphalt and flux, of suitable consistency for paving purposes.
Spreading and rolling.
Unless otherwise permitted by the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, the asphaltic concrete shall be placed by means of a mechanical spreader so operated that the mixture as spread is free from lumps, of uniform density and to the desired cross section.
After spreading, the mixture shall be thoroughly and uniformly compressed by a three-wheel, power-driven roller, weighing not less than 10 tons, as soon after being spread as it will bear the roller without undue displacement. Delays in rolling freshly spread mixture will not be tolerated. Rolling shall start longitudinally at the sides and proceed toward the center of the pavement, overlapping on successive trips by at least 1/2 the width of a rear wheel. Alternative trips of the roller shall be of slightly different lengths. The pavement shall then be subjected to diagonal rolling in two directions with a tandem roller weighing not less than 10 tons, the second diagonal rolling crossing the lines of the first.
The speed of the roller shall not exceed three miles per hour and shall at all times be slow enough to avoid displacement of the mixture. Any displacements occurring as a result of reversing the direction of the roller or from any other cause shall at once be corrected by the use of rakes and of fresh mixture where required. Rolling shall proceed continuously until all roller marks are eliminated and until the finished course shall have a density not less than 95% of the laboratory-compacted density. If the surface course is being placed at a rate in excess of 300 square yards per hour, the contractor shall use an extra roller. To prevent adhesion of the mixture to the roller, the wheels shall be kept properly moistened, but an excess of either water or oil will not be permitted.
Smoothing irons. Heated smoothing irons shall be used to finish the pavement along curbs, around manhole heads and elsewhere where necessary.
Intent of specifications; approval of sources of supply for aggregates and mineral filler.
It is the intent of these specifications to secure a pavement that will conform to the latest construction specifications of the Asphalt Institute. The contractor shall submit samples with manufacturer's specifications for the asphaltic-concrete mixtures he proposes to use in the work, and these are to be examined and passed upon by the testing agency engaged by the City. The contractor shall make such changes in the formulas submitted as may be required by the testing agency in order that the mixture delivered and used in the work will be such as to produce the pavement required.
Approval of sources of supply for aggregates and mineral filler shall be obtained from the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works before being used in the mixture.