[Adopted 10-11-1994 by G.O. No. 17-1994[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance was vetoed by the Mayor; said veto was overridden by Council vote on 10-25-1994.
No City vehicle shall be used other than on City business, except as authorized by the City Council. No City vehicle may be used for commutation by any City official or City employee and remain at that person's place of residence overnight on a continuing basis other than by elected officials, Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners, except if authorized by resolution of the City Council. No City vehicle can be removed from the City of Yonkers other than by elected officials, Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners, unless express permission has been granted by the Mayor to be used temporarily on City business, and provided further that an appropriate log is maintained which sets forth and describes the City business and the mileage used, except for police and fire vehicles used in mutual aid or for emergency or other police or fire purposes.
A violation of any provision of this article relating to use of City vehicles is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and any person violating the same may, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months. A violation of this article by any City official or employee shall subject the City official or employee to automatic dismissal, subject to any rights said employee may have, if any, for a hearing and notice under the Civil Service Law or any collective bargaining agreement, if applicable. Further, said employee shall be personally liable for any personal injuries or property damages which occur at any time a City vehicle is used or attempted to be used in violation of this article, and said employee shall, in addition, hold the City of Yonkers harmless from any and all liability occurring from, during or by reason of any use of a City vehicle in violation of this article. This penalty and remedy is in addition to all other remedies available, including injunctive relief and contempt of court.