[Adopted 12-1-2009 by Res. No. 1021-2009 (Ch. 775, Art. VI, of the 1985 Code)]
The Probation Department is hereby authorized, empowered and required to recommend to sentencing judges that any person convicted of an offense which requires New York State Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA) registration, or any offense of endangering the welfare of a child where any part of the commission of such crime was facilitated by the use of a computer, shall, as a condition of probation:
Register with the Probation Department each computer that he or she uses for personal use;
Consent to the installation of monitoring software on any such computer to track the online activity of such person; and
Agree not to access social networking, gaming and Internet dating websites, including, but not limited to, Alternative Universe, Bebo, Craigslist, Facebook, Friendster, MySpace, Second Life, Twitter, Windows Live Spaces, Xanga, World of Warcraft, eHarmony, Match.com, and Yahoo! Personals or Games.