[Adopted by Ord. No. 8-77 (Sec. 2-4 of the 1972 Revised General Ordinances)]
[Amended by Ord. No. 12-86]
There shall be a Code Enforcement Officer and Deputy Code Enforcement Officer in the Township, appointed by the Township Committee.
[Amended by Ord. No. 3-81; Ord. No. 6-81; Ord. No. 90-82; Ord. 2-83; Ord. No. 10-83; Ord. No. 19-85; Ord. No. 12-86]
The Code Enforcement Officer shall enforce:
Abandoned motor vehicles, Chapter 510..
Trailer camps and trailers, Chapter 499.
Zoning, Chapter 550.
Refuse, litter, junk and dumping, Chapter 333.
Public health nuisance code, Chapter 354.
Uniform construction code, Chapter 200.
Retail food establishment code, Chapter 276.
Keeping of pigs, Chapter 126, Article I.
Housing code, Chapter 308.
Soil erosion and sediment control, Chapter 441.
Street obstructions, Chapter 466, Article I.
Such other ordinances and shall have such other duties as may be assigned to him/her.
The Deputy Code Enforcement Officer shall perform any or all of the above duties, or such other duties, as directed by the Code Enforcement Officer and/or the Township Committee.
Although the Code Enforcement Officer's primary responsibility shall be to enforce the above enumerated ordinances, other Township employees and officials may also enforce such ordinances; and the delegation of this enforcement duty to the Code Enforcement Officer shall not preclude others from enforcing such ordinances.
[Amended by Ord. No. 12-86]
The salary, working hours and schedule of the Code Enforcement Officer and Deputy Code Enforcement Officer shall be fixed by the Township Committee.