[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Poestenkill 2-19-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Records — See Ch. 63.
Building code administration and enforcement — See Ch. 92.
Dogs — See Ch. 108.
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 132.
Junkyards — See Ch. 145.
Land use — See Ch. 150.
Peddling and soliciting — See Ch. 166.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 195.
Water — See Ch. 220.
Wind energy facilities — See Ch. 224.
This chapter shall be known and may be hereafter referred to and cited as the "Schedule of Fees Law of the Town of Poestenkill."
The purpose of this chapter is to establish and provide for the periodic review and amendment of a schedule of fees and expenses to be charged in the administration of Town of Poestenkill laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions and, to the extent practicable, to consolidate such charges under one chapter of law.
The fees set forth herein shall apply to the provisions of all of the local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions adopted by the Town Board and shall, to the extent inconsistent therewith, supersede any specific fee contained or referred to in such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or resolutions which have been adopted prior to the effective date of this chapter. The foregoing notwithstanding, fees or charges in addition to those contained herein may be expressly authorized by a local law, ordinance, rule, regulation or resolution adopted after the effective date of this chapter.
[Amended 5-17-2007 by L.L. No. 1-2007; 6-17-2010 by L.L. No. 2-2010; 7-21-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011;6-20-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013; 2-25-2022; 4-15-2021 by L.L. No. 2-2021]
Fee Type
Minimum/ Maximum Fee
Source Reference
Building and Development Permits
Note: All area and volume measurements used as fee bases have been calculated from gross earlier dimensions and rounded to the nearest whole unit
Ch. 92; § 150-81A(2)
One- or two-family house, including garages
$18.50 per 100 square feet of habitable/usable floor area
$300/no maximum
Mobile, modular or manufactured home on a foundation
$16.50 per 100 square feet of habitable/usable floor area
$275/no maximum
Mobile, modular or manufactured home (single wide) on a slab
$16 per 100 square feet of habitable/usable floor area
$275/no maximum
Multifamily (3 or more) dwelling
$18 per 100 square feet of habitable floor area
$175/no maximum
Structural alterations, repairs — interior and/or exterior
$15 per 100 square feet
$75/no maximum
Garages or additions
$16 per 100 square feet
$100/no maximum
Decks and porches (open)
$12 per 100 square feet
$50/no maximum
Decks and porches (enclosed)
$14 per 100 square feet
$75/no maximum
Carport or patio roof
$35, up to 300 square feet; $50, for 301 square feet or more
Agricultural buildings, other than pole barns
$5 per 100 square feet
$50/no maximum
Pole barns, open on all sides (agricultural or noncommercial)
$100 for up to 800 square feet plus $10 for each additional 100 square feet or fraction thereof
Pole barns, closed on one or more sides (agricultural or noncommercial)
$150 for up to 800 square feet plus $12 for each additional 100 square feet or fraction thereof
Commercial fences
Residential fences
Storage shed on masonry slab
No permit required and no fee payable for up to 144 square feet; for an area exceeding 144 square feet, a permit is required at a fee of $15 plus an additional $15 for each additional 100 square feet or fraction thereof in excess of 144 square feet
Storage shed without masonry slab
No permit required and no fee payable for up to 144 square feet; for an area exceeding 144 square feet, a permit is required at a fee of $10 plus an additional $10 for each additional 100 square feet or fraction thereof in excess of 144 square feet
Swimming pools, including fencing
Aboveground pool — $75
In-ground pool — $150
Commercial/industrial building
$22 per 100 square feet
Churches and schools, and also public assembly areas for fraternal/service organizations when authorized by resolution of the Town Board
$15 per 100 square feet
Development (building) permit within flood-fringe overlay
$100 plus usual fee
Installation of solid-fuel-burning heating systems
§ 92-4
Renewal of existing building permit without change except for complying with any new safety standard
25% of initial fee
Demolition permit
$75 for up to 200 square feet footprint, plus $10 per additional 200 square feet or fraction thereof
Certificate of occupancy/compliance
Operating permit
Written certification of file contents
Installation of photo-voltaic system or solar-heated hot water system
$75 for roof-mounted system
$50 for ground-mounted system
Installation of electricity generating wind turbine (net metering)
$100, residential/ agricultural;
$200, commercial
Fireplaces/woodstoves/gas fireplaces
Permit renewals
25% of original fee for first renewal;
50% of original fee for second renewal;
75% of original fee for any subsequent renewal
Subdivision improvements
Small-scale mines
$50 per lot
$50 per acre of active mine plus nonreclaimed land
§ 195-9
Copies of Town Records and Documents
Items copied by the Town
$0.25 per letter-sized page
§ 63-9
Land Use Code
Other items (maps, etc.)
Reproduction costs plus 50%
§ 63-9
Junkyard Licenses
§ 145-8
Initial application
Miscellaneous Fees
Certified copy of document
Returned check charge
$10 plus copy fee
$20, plus any bank charge to the Town
Peddlers, hawkers, solicitors
$50 per year
§ 166-6
Sign Permits
All types except freestanding
Planning/Zoning Applications
Minor subdivision
(newly created lots only)
$100 for first new lot
$200 for each additional lot
Major subdivision (newly created lots only)
$500 per lot
Site plan review (if no SUP required — due with application for preliminary site plan review)
§ 150-50
Stormwater protection plan review
$250 plus escrow payment as required by § 18 of Local Law No. 2 of 2008
Ch. 190
Lot line adjustments (not including resolution of boundary line disputes between adjoining owners, which requires no Town involvement)
$100 per adjusted line
Permit (includes certificate of occupancy)
Special Use Permits
Planning Board reviews required by schedule of uses set forth in Land Use Code
(See Table set forth in § 128-5 for listing of special use permit types in land use districts)
§§ 150-38, 150-42
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV
Type V
Development near streams and wetlands
§ 150-23
Development in flood-fringe overlay
§ 150-24
Oil, gas removal
§ 150-34
Mining in NP District, with DEC permit
§ 150-68
Small-scale mining
§ 150-70
§ 150-74
Private wood operations
Commercial wood operations
Zoning Board of Appeals Actions
Request for interpretation
Application for use variance
Application for area variance
Rezoning Application to Town Board
§ 150-90C, § 150-62 (PDD)
State Environmental Quality Review
Variable: Reimbursement to Town for all necessary and reasonable expenses
Dog Licenses
Spayed or neutered dog*
Unspayed or unneutered dog*
Replacement tag
Surcharge for dog identified as unlicensed during an enumeration or dog whose license has lapsed for a period of 31 or more days
Water Services
See Chapter 220, § 220-36
Wind Energy Facilities
§ 224-17
Small wind energy facility
Wind energy facility
$500 per megawatt of proposed nameplate capacity
Nothing set forth herein shall operate or be deemed to permit any use or activity in any zoning district which use or activity is not expressly permitted by the District Schedule of Use Regulations set forth in the Land Use Regulations of the Town of Poestenkill (Chapter 150 of the Code of the Town of Poestenkill).
* 2-year license
[Amended 6-17-2010 by L.L. No. 2-2010; 7-21-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011]
Special use permits required by § 150-42A(3) for uses specified in the District Schedule of Use Regulations, Town of Poestenkill, Chapter 150 of this Code, are hereby categorized by type as listed in the following table for the purpose of assigning the amount of fee required for each type of special use permit.
Town of Poestenkill
Table of Special Use Permit Types in Land Use Districts
All types also require site plan review except for those marked with an *
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV
Type V
Residential Uses:
Family dwellings*
Multifamily dwelling
Boarding- and rooming house
Community residence
General Uses:
Keeping of fowl and livestock on nonfarm parcels*
Noncommercial stable for horses*
Day camp or camp for public use
Church or other place of worship
Private academic or technical or nursery school
Hospital, nursing home, or medical clinic
Cultural facilities (library, art gallery, museum, etc.), institutions and philanthropic uses
Nonprofit membership club
Nonprofit recreational or athletic facility
Cemetery or crematory
Personal service (beauty shop, barbershop, etc.)
Public utility or transportation use
Golf course or country club
Class II home occupation, occurring within a customary accessory structure*
Roadside stand*
Commercial Uses:
Riding academy
General office
Professional office
Retail business or service not otherwise mentioned herein
Tavern, bar or nightclub
Gasoline station
Recreational vehicle campgrounds
Kennel, hobby*
Kennel, private*
Kennel, commercial breeder*
Light Industrial Uses:
Research laboratories
Warehousing, light manufacturing or light processing
Auto or equipment rental or sales
Natural Resource Uses:
Commercial excavation, including extractive operations and soil mining
Personal Wireless Telecommunications Services Facility (Cell Phone Tower)
Minor personal wireless telecommunications services
Major personal wireless telecommunications services (existing tower)
Major personal wireless telecommunications services (including new tower)
As required and authorized by §§ 100-13, 108-9B, 150-44, 150-56, 150-75B(7), 150-79B(2), 195-8 and any other part of this Code, whether or not specifically mentioned in this subsection, all necessary and incidental expenses, as well as any extraordinary costs incurred by the Town in administering or enforcing this Code, will be reimbursable to the Town from the applicant, appellant or prospective permittee. In particular, and without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals, in the review of any application for which a fee, Town permit or other Town action is required, may refer any such application for review and recommendations to an engineering, planning, environmental or other technical consultant as the board shall deem reasonably necessary to enable it to review details of the application as required by law.
The charges made by such consultants shall be in accord with charges normally made for such services in the Capital District of New York Region or in accord with prior agreement with the applicant. Such reimbursable costs shall be in addition to the normal fee required by this Code. All such charges shall be paid upon submission of a Town voucher by the service provider. The applicant shall reimburse the Town for the cost of such consultant services upon submission to the applicant of a copy of the voucher therefor. Such reimbursement shall be made prior to final action on the application.
In the event that an application is required to be reviewed by the Town Board and any other board, then, in such event and to the extent practical, both boards shall use the same consultants, who shall, in such case, prepare a single report providing the data, information and recommendations requested by both boards. In all instances, duplications of consultants' reports shall be avoided, wherever practical, in order to minimize the cost of such consultants' reports to the applicant.
An applicant who feels that charges were not properly applied or calculated may appeal such charges to the Town Board.[1]
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
All petitions for refunds in the event an application is withdrawn shall be made to the Town Board. Refunds of fees will be allowed in proportion to the status of the application and any funds expended in the processing of such application. In no case shall more than 1/2 or 50% of the fee be refundable. Where applications are submitted which do not contain the required materials for review, an administrative fee of 10% of the application fee will be assessed with the returned application. No fee is refundable after the scheduling of a required public hearing.
The Town Board shall review annually the fee schedule set forth in this chapter. If changes are deemed necessary or desirable the Town Board shall, by local law similar hereto, after a public hearing for which notice shall be given at least 10 days prior thereto, amend the fees set forth herein.
The fees set forth herein shall apply to the provisions of all of the local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions adopted by the Town Board and shall, to the extent inconsistent therewith, supersede any specific fee contained or referred to in such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or resolutions which have been adopted prior to the effective date of this chapter. All other provisions set forth in such prior enactments shall be unaffected by this chapter except as specifically provided in § 10 of Local Law No. 1 of Year 2003.[1]
Editor's Note: Said § 10 of L.L. No. 1-2003 made specific revisions to remove or modify fee language in Chapters 63, 92, 132, 145, 150, 166 and 195 of the Code.