This article will assist the Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority
with respect to the design, installation, maintenance and repair of
oil and grease interceptor trap systems, will tend to prevent the
discharge of certain oil, grease, fats, grit, and similar materials
into the public sewer systems and establishes penalties for violations
of this article.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
Any person owning a building or structure containing an oil
and grease interceptor/trap system and/or any person using said system.
The definition shall also include any person owning a commercial building
or commercial structure not containing an oil and grease interceptor/trap
system, wherein oil or grease may be discharged in to the public sanitary
sewer system in violation of applicable discharge standards.
Any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability
company or another legal entity.
Prohibited discharge standards are described in the Industrial
Wastewater Discharge and Pretreatment Rules attached to this article,
as Exhibit A.
An individual or a business entity providing inter alia,
design, installation, inspection, maintenance, repair and/or pumping
and hauling services for oil and grease interceptor/trap systems.
Should any person violate any provision of this article, New
Britain Borough is authorized to pursue all legal and equitable remedies
available to it in order to effectuate compliance.