By the authority of the Town Board of the Town of Kent, pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, § 276, Subdivision 1, of the Town Law of the State of New York, the Planning Board of the Town of Kent is authorized and empowered to approve plats showing lots, with or without streets or highways. Additionally, the Planning Board is hereby authorized to approve or disapprove revised lot lines with or without conditions as the Planning Board may impose and in accordance with the provisions hereof, and to approve the development of entirely or partially undeveloped plats already filed in the office of the Putnam County Clerk, and to approve, with or without conditions, preliminary and final plats within the Town of Kent.
It is declared to be the policy of the Town Board to consider subdivisions as part of the orderly and desirable development of land. These regulations provide procedures and standards for the Planning Board in its review of subdivision plats. The intent of these regulations is to encourage the most appropriate and best development of land in order to protect and promote the general health, safety and welfare, which is intended to include the following:
To assure that land to be subdivided will produce building sites of such character and area that will permit their development for homes or buildings without danger to health or peril from fire, flood or other menace.
To facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of community facilities, services and utilities and require the most desirable and appropriate systems for drainage, water supply, sewage disposal and other needed improvements, including any appropriate parks and playgrounds.
To promote the safe and convenient circulation of vehicles and pedestrians, and to promote the efficient design, location and construction of roads, streets, sidewalks, pathways and driveways so as to accommodate current and future needs.
To minimize the destruction of the natural character of the land and promote the conservation of all elements of topography and vegetation which contribute to the natural beauty of the land.
To provide, through all subdivision planning and development, for the privacy of residents while enhancing the general appearance of the community.
The Planning Board of the Town of Kent is also hereby authorized and empowered, pursuant to Article 16, § 276, Subdivision 2, of the Town Law, to approve the development of plats, entirely or partially undeveloped, that were filed in the office of the Putnam County Clerk prior to the appointment of the Planning Board. The term "undeveloped" shall mean those plats where 20% or more of the lots within the plat are unimproved unless existing conditions, such as poor drainage, have prevented their development.
Pursuant to Article 2, § 10, of the Municipal Home Rule Law, this chapter is also intended to supersede and amend inconsistent provisions of Town Law § 276, Subdivision 8, by eliminating the provisions for default approval resulting from the Planning Board's failure to take any action or hold any hearing on a preliminary or final plat within the statutory time periods.
Pursuant to Article 2, § 10, of the Municipal Home Rule Law, this chapter is also intended to supersede and amend inconsistent provisions of Town Law § 276, Subdivision 5(h), by extending the time for submission of a final plat which has been the subject of a preliminary subdivision approval from six months to 18 months due to the time applicants require to obtain outside agency approvals for sewage disposal, water supply and erosion control facilities for residential and nonresidential projects. Additionally, the Planning Board is authorized to extend the period to file a final plat by up to additional periods of six months each.
Pursuant to Article 2, § 10, of the Municipal Home Rule Law, this chapter is also intended to supersede and amend inconsistent provisions of Town Law § 276, Subdivision 7(c), by extending the time for submission of a conditional final plat from 180 days to one year due to the time required to obtain outside agency approvals for sewage disposal, water supply and erosion control facilities for residential and nonresidential projects.
This chapter may be amended by the Town Board by local law after due notice and public hearing.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Subdivision of Land."
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part of this chapter shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered or as determined by such judgment.