[R. O. 1947, ch. 3, § 2; Ord. No. 36; Ord. No. 592, § 1; Ord. No. 452, § 2, 6-8-1983]
The custodian of the municipal building, subject to the civil service laws, rules and regulations, shall be appointed by, and shall be subject to the supervision and control of, the Director of Maintenance. He shall receive such wages as the City Council shall determine by ordinance. He shall have immediate supervision and control, under the Director of Maintenance, over the janitors at such building.
[R. O. 1947, ch. 3, § 3; Ord. No. 36; Ord. No. 592, § 1]
The janitors at the municipal building shall be appointed by the Director of Maintenance and shall be under his general supervision and control. Their number, to be equally divided between men and women, shall not be over three men and three women. They shall receive such wages as the City Council shall determine by ordinance. Until the City Council shall otherwise determine, unless otherwise provided by the Civil Service Laws and the rules and regulations made thereunder, such attendants shall be chosen from among the men and women on the welfare or relief rolls of the City, provided, that in the opinion of the Superintendent of Public Buildings, competent and suitable men and women on such rolls are available for such positions.