[R. O. 1947, ch. 11, § 6]
Before any person shall install any electrical wiring, such person shall make application to the inspector of wires for a permit for that purpose and shall file with the inspector of wires such information or specifications as may be required. Such application shall be made upon a form approved by the inspector of wires; except, that no application or permit will be required to execute any of the classes of electrical work defined in the paragraphs numbered (1), (2) and (3) next following; except, that these exemptions shall not apply to permanent wiring:
The replacement of lamps, fuses or the connection of portable electrical equipment to suitable permanently installed outlets.
The installation, alteration or repair of electrical equipment installed by or for an electric utility company for the use of such company in the generation, transmission, distribution or metering of electricity.
Any work involved in the manufacturing, testing, servicing or repairing of electrical equipment or apparatus.
[R. O. 1947, ch. 11, § 7]
If it shall appear from the application provided for by section 5-13 that the statutes of the commonwealth and the provisions of this article are, and will be, complied with, a permit shall be granted by the inspector of wires authorizing such electrical wiring. No electrical wiring requiring a permit shall be started until such permit has been granted.
[R. O. 1947, ch. 11, § 8]
For emergency repairs and maintenance of electrical wiring in establishments or power plants where a licensed electrician is employed continuously on the premises, permits will be issued under this article for stated periods. The period for such a permit shall not exceed one year.
[R. O. 1947, ch. 11, § 9]
The inspector of wires may issue a temporary permit under this article allowing the use of certain specified circuits or parts of an installation while the work of constructing, altering or repairing the same is in progress; or for temporary work, experimental or emergency work and work for fairs, exhibitions and similar purposes. Such a permit may be renewed or cancelled at the discretion of the inspector of wires subject to considerations of public safety and public welfare.