[R. O. 1947, ch. 11, § 10]
When any work which requires a certificate of approval is completed or ready for inspection, the inspector of wires shall be so notified, and a time shall be set for inspection. Conductors, raceways, cables or fittings shall not be lathed in or concealed from view until approved by the inspector of wires; provided, however, that observance of this provision shall not be required so far as inspection thereof is rendered impracticable in the erection, construction or assembling of prefabricated housing of a type approved by the board of examiners and appeals under chapter 3 (“The Building Code”), as appears by the records on file in the office of the inspector of buildings.
[R. O. 1947, ch. 11, § 11]
If, upon inspection, the work referred to in section 5-17 is found to conform to the requirements of this article, the wiring may then be lathed in or concealed, and a certificate of approval shall be issued by the inspector of wires giving authorization to the electric utility company for connection to the electrical service lines and the energizing of the wiring installations. But, if the work is defective, all defects shall be remedied before such certificate is issued.
[R. O. 1947, ch. 11, § 12]
The inspector of wires shall examine all buildings in the course of erection, construction or repair, and, except as otherwise forbidden or restrained by law, shall have authority to enter any building, structure or premises at any reasonable hour in the discharge of his official duties for the purpose of making any inspection, reinspection or test of electrical equipment contained therein, or of its installation, and shall see that the provisions of the statutes of the commonwealth, this article and other ordinances of the city in relation to electrical wires and electrical wiring are fully complied with as the building progresses. He shall immediately report every violation thereof, with the name of the violator, to the city solicitor, and shall also make a report of such violation to the mayor and city council.
When any electrical equipment or wiring is found by the inspector of wires to be dangerous to persons or property because it is defective or defectively installed, the person responsible for such electrical equipment or wiring shall be notified in writing to make changes or repairs which in the judgment of the inspector of wires will put such equipment in safe condition. If such changes or repairs are not completed within 15 days, or within any longer period that may be specified by the inspector of wires in such notice, the inspector of wires shall have the authority to disconnect or order the discontinuance of use of such electrical equipment or wiring. In cases of emergency, where necessary for safety to persons or property, or where electrical equipment and wiring may interfere with the work of the fire department, the inspector of wires shall have the authority immediately to disconnect or to cause the disconnection of any electrical equipment or wiring.