[Adopted 12-14-1989 by Ord. No. 580 (Ch. 13, Part 10, of the 1985 Code of Ordinances)]
As used in this article:
Care in lieu of parental care given for part of the twenty-four-hour day to children under 16 years of age, away from their own homes, but does not include child day care furnished in places of worship during religious services.
Any premises operated for profit in which child day care is provided simultaneously for three or more children who are not relatives of the operator, except such centers operated under social services auspices.
A child day-care center, and shall not include those operated by the state or federal government.
Any individual, partnership, association or corporation operating a facility.
Anyone who provides care outside the child's own home for any period of time for pay or compensation of any kind.
A public or private organization or individual who for profit or not for profit delivers day-care service for children, either directly or through contract.
Parent, child, stepparent, stepchild, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew.
Any person who provides child care to three or more children is required to obtain a child day-care license from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Borough of Trainer.
To obtain a license to operate a child day-care facility within the Borough of Trainer, any person or provider must submit a list of names and addresses of said children to the Borough of Trainer, such list to be kept at the Borough Municipal Building. This requirement is in addition to any license requirements imposed by the commonwealth.
Licenses shall be issued by the Borough of Trainer Board of Health.
License and inspection fees will be set at $25 per year due January 1 of each year.
Health certificates, attesting to the good health of all employees of a facility, are required as more fully set forth in § 88-26 herein.
Inspections of each facility to ascertain compliance with all applicable regulations are required on a yearly basis.
Inspections and health certificates are due by December 31 of each year.
The Borough Council of the Borough of Trainer may raise license fees when it deems necessary.
The Borough of Trainer Board of Health may revoke a license at any time for violation of any applicable regulations or for good or probable cause as deemed necessary.
The purpose of the licensing and inspection provisions of this article shall always be interpreted and enforced with the best interests and welfare of the children in any facility as the primary concern.
Every provider, owner, agent, operator, employee, attendant, supervisor, care person, nurse or aide shall be required to have a yearly physical performed by a licensed physician.
A report from the physician shall be submitted in writing to the Trainer Borough Board of Health.
Forms for the physical are to be acquired from the Trainer Borough Board of Health.
The Borough of Trainer Board of Health will be charged with the enforcement of all applicable regulations.
In addition to the required yearly inspections, the Board of Health may, upon request or when probable cause of any violation exists, conduct an inspection of any licensed facility.
As set forth in § 88-27 herein, the Board of Health may revoke the license of any facility.
In addition to any license revocation or in lieu of same, the Board of Health may impose fines as set forth in § 88-28 herein.
The Board of Health may revoke any license for failure to pay any fine within 10 days of the assessment of such fine.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000. Each and every day that any such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. All fines collected shall be paid over to the Borough of Trainer.
No facility caring for more than six children will be permitted in a residentially zoned district. Said facility will only be allowed in a commercially zoned district.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:[1]
PUB 39, 8/88 — "Regulations for Group Day Care Homes."
PUB 40, 8/88 — "Regulations for Family Day Care Homes."
PUB 107, 8/88 — "Regulations for Child Day Care Center."
Editor's Note: Current regulations, effective 9-22-2008, can be found at: 55 Pa. Code, Chapter 3270, Child Care Centers; 55 Pa. Code, Chapter 3280, Group Child Care Homes; 55 Pa. Code, Chapter 3290, Family Child Care Homes.
All Trainer Borough ordinances and codes.