[Adopted 4-3-1941 by Ord. No. 157 (Ch. 21, Part 1, of the 1985 Code of Ordinances)]
From and after the passage of this article every person owning ground fronting or abutting upon any street, highway, road, avenue or alley of the Borough of Trainer, which is or shall be brought to the established grade, shall grade and pave the ground and construct sidewalks, curbs and gutters, or any or all of them, in accordance with the provisions of this article and with the established lines and grades to be furnished by the Borough Engineer within 30 days after receipt of notice so to do, as provided for in § 226-4 of this article or after service of such notice in the manner hereinafter provided.
It shall be the duty of all owners of ground fronting or abutting on any street, highway, road, avenue or alley of the Borough of Trainer to keep their sidewalks in good repair and passable condition, whether such sidewalks are at the established grade or not, and when notified to do so, they shall make all necessary grading, paving, repaving and/or repairs of sidewalks and/or the construction of curbs and/or gutters within 30 days after receipt of notice as required by § 226-4 of this article or after the service of such notice in the manner hereinafter provided; provided, further, that when sidewalks, curbs or gutters are in a dangerous condition they shall be temporarily repaired and rendered safe within 24 hours after the receipt of notice to that effect or after the service of such notice in the manner hereinafter provided, which notice may be signed by any member of the Highway Committee of the Borough Council, and on failure of owner or owners to comply with the notice, the said Committee shall have the necessary temporary repairs made and the proper Borough authorities shall collect the costs of the work and the materials from such owner or owners in the manner provided by law.
When any street is or shall be brought to the established grade, and it is found that the sidewalks, curbs and gutters already constructed do not conform to the established grade or width or with the requirements of this article, it shall be the duty of the owner or owners of the ground fronting or abutting on such sidewalks, on such street, highway, road, avenue or alley, to repave or correct such sidewalks, curbs and/or gutters in accordance with the proper lines and grades and with the provisions of this article within 30 days after the receipt of notice to that effect or after the service of such notice served as hereinafter provided.
All notices directing, requiring and/or regulating the grading, paving, repaving, correcting or repairing of sidewalks or the construction, correcting or repairing of curbs and/or gutters shall be printed or written and shall specify the width to be paved and the location of such proposed sidewalk, and shall be served upon the owner of the premises to which such notice refers by leaving the same at his place of residence, or if he has no residence in the Borough, then by posting the same on the premises and mailing a copy thereof to the owner at his last known address.
[Amended 7-12-1973 by Ord. No. 415; 11-14-1985 by Ord. No. 549]
Plain cement concrete curb.
Description. This work shall consist of constructing a plain cement concrete curb in accordance with these specifications and within reasonably close conformity to the lines and grades established by the Engineer.
Materials. Curbs shall be constructed of thirty-five-hundred-pounds-per-square-inch (3500 psi) "ready-mixed" concrete, mixed in a plant whose product is "certified," and shall conform to the PennDOT Specifications Form 408-1970. All incidental materials, such as expansion joint filler, concrete curing compound, curing and protecting covers, concrete admixtures and bituminous paper shall also conform to the PennDOT Specifications Form 408-1970.
Construction requirements. The plain cement concrete curb shall be constructed as follows:
Dimensions. Curbs shall have cross-sectional dimensions of seven inches by eight inches by 18 inches high and shall conform to PennDOT Standard Construction Drawing No. RC-64 for plain cement concrete curb. The dimension of the revealed face of the curb shall be eight inches and shall be sloped one inch from the full width of eight inches at the bottom of the revealed face to a width of seven inches at the top.
Forms. Forms for the curb shall be of metal, except wood forms may be used on sharp curves and short tangent sections when approved by the Engineer. Forms shall be straight, free from warp, and of sufficient strength when staked to resist the pressure of the concrete without springing. At least three stakes shall be provided for each 10 feet of form. Metal forms shall be of approved section and shall have a flat surface on top, and wood forms shall be nominal two-inch surfaced planks. These forms shall be of a depth equal to the depth of the curb, designed to permit secure fastening of the face and back forms at the tops. These fastenings shall be constructed in a manner that will not obstruct satisfactory finishing and edging of the top of the curb but will permit removal of the inside or face forms. The outside or back forms shall be straight from top to bottom. The inside of the face forms shall have a batter from the top of the curb to the finished surface line of the pavement, as indicated on the Standard Drawings, and shall be straight from this line to the bottom. Steel templates, 1/8 inch in thickness, of the width of the curb, and not less than two inches longer than the depth of the curb, shall be used to separate adjacent sections. All forms and templates shall be thoroughly cleaned and treated with an approved material, as required, to prevent the concrete from adhering thereto. Oil, bituminous paper, or other material which will adhere to or discolor the concrete shall not be used. Forms and templates which are worn, bent, warped or broken shall not be used. The forms shall be accurately set to line and grade in a manner to prevent settlement or displacement.
Excavation. Excavation shall be made to the required depth, and the material upon which the curb is to be constructed shall be compacted to a firm, even surface. If unsuitable soil conditions exist, the Engineer may order the excavation to be carried to a depth of six inches to eight inches below the required subgrade elevation, which area shall then be refilled with a compacted layer of stone, gravel or cinders.
Placing and finishing concrete. The concrete shall be placed in the forms in horizontal layers not to exceed five inches and spaded sufficiently to eliminate all voids. An approved vibrator may be used when permitted by the Engineer. Where indicated or directed, drainage openings shall be made through the curb at the elevation and of the size required. The curb shall be depressed as indicated or required for driveways or sidewalk. The top surface of the curb shall be finished true to line and grade in a smooth, neat and even manner by means of wood floats, and the edges of the face and back shall be rounded to a radius of not more than 3/4 inch and 1/4 inch, respectively, while the concrete is still plastic. The finished curb shall have a surface free from voids and honeycomb. Any additional surface finishing required shall be performed immediately after extrusion.
Joints. The curb shall be constructed in uniform lengths or sections of 10 feet, except where shorter sections are necessary for closures or curves, but no section shall be less than four feet. Premolded expansion joint filler, 1/4 inch in thickness and cut to conform to the cross section of the curb, shall be placed at the ends of sections of curved curb and at intervals of not more than 93 feet. Intermediate joints between sections shall be formed of two thicknesses of one-ply bituminous paper, cut neatly to the cross section of the curb and one paper placed on each side of the template. If the method of handling the work is such that the templates cannot be removed satisfactorily, the curb shall be constructed in alternate sections.
Removal of forms. The forms shall not be removed within 12 hours after the concrete has been placed. No rubbing to correct irregularities will be permitted until the full curing period has elapsed. Any irregular surface shall be corrected by ribbing with a carborundum stone. Brush finishing or plastering will not be permitted. and all rejected curb shall be promptly removed and replaced. All joints in the curb shall be opened from top to bottom immediately after the forms are removed, and the edges adjacent to the joints shall be sharp and clean cut. After the forms are removed, minor defects shall be filled with mortar composed of one part of cement and two parts of lime aggregate.
The curb shall be cured by either membrane curing or water curing, which shall begin as soon as the concrete has sufficiently hardened.
Membrane curing shall be by application of a sealing compound which forms a water-retaining membrane on the surface of the concrete. During the interval of time after placing the concrete until stripping of forms, the concrete shall be water cured. All surfaces cured by the membrane method shall be given the required normal finish prior to the application of the curing compound.
Water curing shall be by covering the concrete with burly covers which shall be kept thoroughly saturated during the curing period. The curing period shall not be less than three days.
When the temperature, as forecast by the local weather bureau, is expected to reach 35° F. or lower at any time during the curing period, the concrete shall be properly insulated to prevent freezing.
Backfilling. After the concrete has attained the required strength, the spaces in front and back of the curb shall be backfilled with approved material in layers of not more than four inches in depth, which shall be thoroughly compacted mechanically to the required elevation and cross section.
Description. This work shall consist of constructing cement concrete sidewalks in accordance with these specifications and within reasonably close conformity to the lines and grades established by the Engineer.
Materials. The materials used to construct concrete sidewalks shall conform to Subsection A(2) of this section.
Construction requirements.
Preparation of foundation. The foundation for the bed shall be formed at a depth of four inches below and parallel with the finished surface of the sidewalk, unless otherwise indicated or required by the Engineer due to the existence of unsuitable soil conditions, which shall require the excavation of said unsuitable soil to a depth of six inches to eight inches below the subgrade elevation. Unsuitable material shall be removed and replaced with a compacted layer of stone, gravel or cinders finished to a firm even surface at the subgrade elevation.
Placing aggregate for bed. The approved aggregate shall be spread on the prepared foundation to form a compacted bed six inches in depth, unless otherwise indicated by the Engineer. This material shall be thoroughly compacted. Satisfactory outlets for draining the bed shall be provided.
Forms. Forms shall be of wood or metal, straight, free from warp, and of sufficient strength when staked to resist the pressure of the concrete without springing. If wood, they shall be nominal two-inch planks surfaced on the inside and the top; if metal, they shall be of approved section. Forms shall have a depth equal to the depth of the concrete and shall be thoroughly cleaned and oiled before concrete is placed against them. Forms that are worn, bent or damaged shall not be used.
Sidewalks shall be constructed in separate slabs 30 feet in length except for closures. These slabs shall be separated by transverse premolded expansion joint filler, 1/4 inch in thickness, for the full depth of the concrete. Transverse premolded expansion joint filler shall also be placed adjacent to existing structures where directed. The slabs between expansion joints shall be divided into blocks four feet in length by scoring transversely. Where the slabs are more than four feet in width they shall be scored longitudinally in the center. Transverse and longitudinal scoring shall extend for a depth of at least 1/4 the thickness of the concrete slab.
Premolded expansion joint filler, 1/4 inch in thickness for the full depth of the concrete, shall be placed longitudinally where the sidewalk slab is to be constructed in contact with curbs.
Where existing light standards, poles, fire hydrants, and similar structures are within the limits of the sidewalk area, the concrete around such structures shall be scored in a block eight inches wider than the maximum dimension of the structure at the sidewalk elevation. Prior to placing the concrete around such structures, premolded expansion joint filler, 1/4 inch in thickness, shall be placed around the structure for the full depth of the concrete in the sidewalk.
Placing concrete.
The concrete shall be proportioned, mixed and placed in accordance with Subsection A(3)(d) of this section. The concrete shall be four inches in depth unless otherwise specified. The concrete shall be struck off and broom-finished. An edger having a one-fourth-inch radius shall be used for edging all joints. The concrete shall be cured and protected in accordance with Subsection A(3)(g) of this section.
At street corners the sidewalk tangent shall be extended each way across the grass plots to the radius curb and must have a handicapped ramp in accordance with federal regulations. All sidewalks shall have a slope of 1/4 inch per foot toward the curb and shall have a minimum width of four feet.
Removal of forms. Side forms shall not be removed within 12 hours after the concrete has been placed. After removal of the forms, minor honeycombed areas shall be filled with mortar composed of one part of cement and two parts of fine aggregate. Major honeycombed areas will be considered as defective work and shall be removed and replaced.
Backfilling. After the concrete has cured for a period of not less than 72 hours, the spaces adjacent to the sidewalk shall be backfilled with approved material in layers of not more than four inches in depth, which shall be thoroughly compacted mechanically to the required elevation and cross section.
Driveways. Where sidewalks are constructed across driveway entrances, the thickness of the concrete shall be increased from the four inches specified for sidewalks to a minimum of six inches, including the concrete apron between the sidewalk and the curb. The finished grade of the apron shall meet the finished grade of the sidewalk and shall slope to an elevation at the curb that is two inches above the gutter line of the street.
[Amended 4-9-1998 by Ord. No. 610]
No sidewalk shall be constructed or reconstructed, or any grading, paving or repaving done to the same, and no gutters or curbs shall be constructed or corrected, until the owner or owners of the ground or the person having charge of the work shall first have obtained a permit for the same from the Secretary of the Borough Council. The permit shall be placed by the party applying for the same in the hands of the Borough Engineer, who shall furnish the said person with the established lines and grades, for which services he shall receive his proper charge from the Borough Council, provided that, if in the judgment of the Borough Engineer such construction or reconstruction, grading, paving, repaving or repairing shall be inexpedient or dangerous because of the existing grade of the street or of the contiguous sidewalk, such permit shall not issue or, if issued, shall be confiscated by the Borough Engineer and returned to the Borough Secretary for cancellation, and the costs thereof shall be returned to the applicant. The costs of each permit shall be $15, which shall be paid into the Borough treasury for the use of said Borough. No permit shall be valid after 60 days from date of issue.
If any person or persons shall neglect or refuse to grade, pave, repave or repair any sidewalk or to construct, correct or repair any curb or gutter or to keep the same in repair pursuant to notice given as above-mentioned for the space of 30 days after the receipt of notice as required by this article or service of the same as hereinbefore provided, the said Borough Council shall forthwith cause such grading, paving, repaving and repairing of curbs and gutters to be done by contract, and the proper Borough authorities shall collect the cost of the same and, in addition, may collect a penalty of 10% from the owner or owners of such property by action in assumpsit or by filing a municipal lien against the property.
It shall not be lawful for the owner or owners of any property to place, allow or maintain any encroachment upon the sidewalk area fronting or abutting on such property, such as a porch, building extension, steps, railing, fences, hedges or excavations for a basement or cellar door at grade, unless provided with protecting grating or railing, or to place or allow any awning, sign or branches of trees at less than a clear height of nine feet above any sidewalk, provided that, in case of young trees, the branches thereof under nine feet shall be permitted to extend over the sidewalks a distance of not more than three feet from either the building line or the curbline.
[Amended 11-14-1985 by Ord. No. 549; 8-11-2005 by Ord. No. 670]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $600 and/or to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days. Every day that a violation of this article continues shall constitute a separate offense.