The standards and requirements adopted by the Borough and on file with the Borough Secretary are intended as the minimum standards for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare, and shall be applied as such by the West View Borough Council and the Planning Commission in reviewing and approving all subdivision or land development plats.
The relationship of the proposed subdivision or development with previously developed land and undeveloped land in the Borough; the provisions for access to the undeveloped land through any proposed subdivision or development; the adequacy of existing and proposed sanitary sewers, storm drainage systems, community facilities, parks, playgrounds, and school and recreation areas; and conformity to the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 290, Zoning, and other applicable ordinances of the Borough shall all be considered in the review and approval of any subdivision or land development plat.
Whenever other Borough regulations or state laws or statutes impose more restrictive standards or requirements than those contained herein, the more restrictive regulations shall be observed.