[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Borough of West View 11-14-1979 by Ord. No. 1239 (Ch. 69A of the 1977 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire prevention — See Ch. 164.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 245.
No person, persons, partnership, joint venture, corporation, municipality or public utility shall obstruct any fire hydrant in the Borough of West View so as to render said fire hydrant inaccessible for operation or to allow a condition to exist that causes said hydrant to be inaccessible for operation. Further, no landscaping or grading shall be done in or around fire hydrants that deviates from the ordained or established grade so as to render said fire hydrant inaccessible for operation either in connecting thereto or in having the ability to turn said hydrant on for use. If such a condition now exists in and around any hydrant, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner, whether a person, persons, partnership, joint venture, corporation, municipality or public utility, to correct said condition immediately.
The terms of this chapter shall not impose a duty upon any person, persons, partnership, joint venture, corporation, municipality or public utility to guarantee that the fire hydrant is mechanically workable or that the water pressure is adequate, but rather shall apply to access to and, as a result, the ability to manually engage said fire hydrant.
Accessibility to the fire hydrant or the creation of artificial conditions or alteration of grade shall be determined by the Borough Manager of the Borough of West View, and said official shall have power to enforce this chapter.
Any person, persons, partnership, joint venture, corporation, municipality or public utility violating the terms of this chapter shall be guilty of a summary offense and shall pay a fine of not more than $300.