Payments with respect to a participant's plan benefit may be made by the Trustee from the Trust Fund to one or more alternate payees pursuant to the terms of a qualified domestic relations order. Upon segregation of the assets payable to an alternate payee in an alternate payee account or the payment of such benefits to the alternate payee, any such amounts paid or segregated shall no longer constitute part of the participant's plan benefit. No liability whatsoever shall be incurred by the Committee, the Trustee, the employer, the administrative service agency, the review committee or any financial organization solely by reason of any act or omission undertaken in accordance with this section to comply with the terms of a qualified domestic relations order.
Subject to the discretion of the administrative service agency or the Committee, no distribution of any plan benefit shall be permitted in any period during which a purported qualified domestic relations order claim, against all or part of such plan benefit, is being reviewed in accordance with the provisions of § 50-11.8. If the administrative service agency reasonably believes that a purported qualified domestic relations order against all or part of any plan benefit is likely to be asserted, the Committee may refuse to permit any distribution of all or part of such plan benefit pending determination of such claim.