Connection to existing sewage collection system. All sewers of improved property in the Borough abutting on or adjoining any street, alley, lane or other public highway in which a sanitary sewer of the sewage collection system now owned by the Borough has been constructed shall be required to connect said improved property to the sewage collection system within 90 days of receiving written notice from the Borough to make such connection.
Connection to new or extension to sewage collection system. All owners of improved property in the Borough abutting on or adjoining any street, alley, lane or other public highway in which a new sanitary sewer and/or an extension to the sewage collection system is constructed shall be required to connect said improved property to the sewage collection system within 90 days of receiving written notice from the Borough to make such connection.
Failure of improved property to connect to sewage collection system. If, after the expiration of 90 days from the date of such written notice to connect, any owner of an improved property abutting on or adjoining any street, alley, lane or other public highway in which there is a sanitary sewer of the sewage collection system shall have failed to connect therewith as required by Subsection A or B above, the Borough may give such owner 45 days written notice to make such connection, from the date of receipt of such written notice, and upon failure of such owner to make such connection within said forty-five-day period, the Borough may make such connection and collect the cost thereof from such owner by a municipal claim or in action in assumpsit. The written notice shall be made by either personal service or by certified mail sent to the last known address of said owner.
Connection of a double dwelling unit. An improved property which is a double dwelling unit shall be connected to the sewage collection system as provided by this chapter.
Determining location of sewage collection system. The owner of an improved property to be connected and/or his contractor or plumber acting as his duly authorized agent is solely responsible for determining the precise depth of the sewage collection system prior to the construction of any improved property or building sewer in the case of existing improved property. The Borough assumes no responsibility for any costs arising out of the failure of the owner or agent to determine, prior to the construction of any improved property or building sewer, the precise depth of the sewage collection system regardless of any information that may be made available by the Borough.
Privatization of extraneous water. No person shall make connection of roof downspouts, exterior foundation drains, areaway drains or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to the sewage collection system or to a building sewer which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to the sewage collection system.
Floor drains.
Floor drains shall be permitted to be connected to the building sewer only where it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Borough Manager that their connection is absolutely necessary and imperative. Where such drains are permitted, arrangements shall be made to maintain a permanent water seal in the traps, and such drains shall be provided with check or backwater valves.
Written permission shall be obtained from the Borough Manager before any basement floor drain may be attached to the building sewer; provided, however, that permission for a basement floor drain shall not be granted until the owner has executed and signed a written agreement in triplicate releasing the Borough from any damage that may result from the basement being flooded by the stoppage of the sewage collection system or the building sewer, which agreement shall be filed with the Borough and the owner shall at all times maintain one copy of same.
Testing of connection. The owner or his representative under § 190-29 shall notify the Manager at least 24 hours before actual connection and testing of a building sewer into the sewage collection system is to be accomplished. No such connection or testing shall be accomplished except in the presence of the Manager, and shall be accomplished in a manner satisfactory to said Manager. No portion of the building sewer shall be covered until it has been inspected, tested and approved in writing by the Manager. If any part of a building sewer is covered before being so inspected, tested and approved, it shall be uncovered for such inspection and testing at the cost and expense of the owner.
Application from improved property.
All owners of improved property in the Borough who receive a written notice to connect to the sewage collection system under § 192-26A or B shall be required to make an application, on a form furnished by the Borough, for the construction of a building sewer to serve the improved property. Such application shall require, as a minimum, the owner of the improved property to indicate:
Whether sanitary sewer and/or industrial waste will be discharged through the building sewer.
That the owner agrees to pay all lawful charges for sewage and/or industrial waste discharged.
That the owner will notify the Borough in writing upon change of owner.
That the building sewer will be continuous use for at least one year.
Owners of improved property who desire to discharge industrial waste through the building sewer into the sewage collection system may also be required to furnish additional information as required in § 190-30C.
The application must also contain any other information as may be required by this chapter.
The application must be signed by the owner of the improved property, his duly authorized representative and all other persons having interest of record in the improved property.
Issuance of permit. If the information contained on the application described in Subsection A above is complete and satisfactory to the Borough, and the appropriate fees as required by § 190-24 of this chapter have been paid, the Borough will issue a permit for the connection of the improved property to the sewage collection system.
Displaying permit. The permit required by this chapter shall be prominently displayed at the site of work, at all times, during construction of a building sewer and connection of a building sewer to the sewage collection system.
Construction requirements. All building sewers, which consists of a connection sewer and a customer sewer, shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, the Plumbing Code or any other applicable regulations of the Borough.
Connection sewer available. If the connection sewer is in place and available for use, the owner of the improved property shall construct or have constructed the customer sewer and connect it to the connection sewer. The Borough shall be notified prior to such connection to provide inspection of the customer sewer and the connection. All costs associated with the construction of the customer sewer and the connection are the responsibility of the owner of the improved property. Said owner is also responsible for all other fees of the Borough relative to this chapter.
Connection sewer not available. If the connection sewer is not in place, the Borough shall construct the connection sewer or have the owner of the improved property construct the connection sewer along with the customer sewer. If the Borough constructs the connection sewer, said owner will be responsible for all fees provided for said connection sewer in addition to all fees for said customer sewer as provided by this chapter. The provisions for notification and inspection and the payment of all costs and fees associated with the construction undertaken by said owner shall be as set forth in Subsection B above.
Prohibited connections.
No privy, vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or similar receptacle shall be maintained at any time upon any improved property which had been connected to the sewage collection system or which shall be required under § 190-26A or B to be connected to the sewage collection system.
Upon connection to the sewage collection system, any existing privy, vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or similar receptacle in existence shall be abandoned and, at the discretion of this Borough, shall be cleansed and filled at the expense of the owner of such improved property and under the direction and supervision of this Borough; and any such privy, vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or similar receptacle not so abandoned and, if required by this Borough, cleansed and filled, shall constitute a nuisance and such nuisance may be abated as provided by law, at the expense of the owners of such improved property.
No privy, vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or similar receptacle at any time shall be connected to the sewage collection system.
In the event of the failure by any owner of an improved property to clean and fill any privy, vault, cesspool, sink hole, septic tank or similar receptacle, the Borough may perform such work and collect the costs thereof from such owner by a municipal claim, or in an action in assumpsit.
Unlawful connections. If any owner or tenant of an improved property should make any connection to the building sewer or the sewage collection system without a permit from the Borough, or allow any pollutant to be discharged into the building sewer or the sewage collection system except as provided by this chapter or violate any of the provisions with respect to this chapter, and shall after 10 days of receipt of written notice from the Borough fail or neglect to abate such condition, the Borough may, at its option, enter upon the improved property; or the Borough may by appropriate legal action proceed to compel said owner of said improved property to abate such condition. In addition to any other remedies available, the Borough, upon failure or neglect of said owner to comply with any provisions of this chapter, may enter the improved property and at the owner's cost, disconnect the said improved property from the sewage collection system and may require the payment of a fee for reconnection and all costs and expenses as a condition for reconnection. The Borough may file a municipal lien against the improved property for any and all costs incurred by the Borough in abating such condition, together with such additional charges as may be permitted by applicable law.
Penalty for violation. Any person who shall violate any provision of this subpart shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this chapter continues shall constitute a separate offense.
Registration required. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of constructing a building sewer, that is, shall or may be physically connected to the sewage collection system or to construct any other sewer plumbing within an improved property within the jurisdiction of the Borough without first being registered by the Borough to engage in said business.
Registration fee. The Borough reserves the right to establish and charge a registration fee for such person engaged in the business of constructing a building sewer or any other sewer plumbing within an improved property within the jurisdiction of the Borough.
Annual registration requirement. Any such registration validly obtained, and not otherwise revoked for cause as specified elsewhere in this chapter, shall expire at the end of one calendar year. Such registration may be renewed by the appropriate endorsement or reissued provided that the person holding a valid registration makes application or such renewal by not later than April 15, and provided further that the registration holder has demonstrated by past performance that he is qualified and capable of performing work covered in accordance with good plumbing practice and the provisions of this chapter, the Plumbing Code or any other applicable regulations of the Borough.
Revoking of registration. Any registration provided for in this chapter may at any time be revoked for incompetency, fraudulent use thereof, giving false witness or any violation of this chapter, the Plumbing Code, or any other applicable regulations of the Borough relative to constructing a building sewer or sewer plumbing after a full and fair hearing by the Borough Manager. After revocation for cause, no registration shall be issued to such person until at least six months shall have elapsed.
Nontransferability of registration. A registration issued under the provisions of this chapter shall not be transferable to any successor in business.
Bond/insurance requirement. No registration as described in this section shall be issued until the person applying therefor shall have given a bond in the sum of $1,000 and produced to the Borough Manager evidence that he is completely covered by insurance in connection with his construction work for property damage and public liability. The public liability coverage shall not be less than $10,000 for injury to any one person, and $20,000 total for any accident, and the coverage for property damage shall be not less than $5,000 to indemnify and save harmless the Borough of Northampton from any and all claims and suits for damages to persons or property arising from the negligence of any person, firm or corporation registered under the provisions of this section or by agents, employees or workmen of such registrations. Such registrations, with good and sufficient surety to the satisfaction of the Northampton Borough Council, will pay the full costs of restoration and repair for any and all damages which may happen or be caused to any tree, street, pavement, sidewalk or sewer belonging to said Borough, or to any telegraph, telephone or electric light pole or wire of any public service company, whether said damages or injury shall be inflicted by said registrant or by agents, employees or workmen of the registrant, and conditioned also that said party shall save and indemnify and keep harmless said Borough against all liability, judgment, damages, costs and expenses which may, in any case, secure against said Borough in consequences of the granting of such registrant, and will fully and completely restore to its original condition, to the satisfaction of the Borough Manager, and all streets, pavements and sanitary sewers which may be opened or disturbed by said party, and will in all things strictly comply with the conditions and provisions of this chapter and with the conditions of any permit issued pursuant thereto.