Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-3.
Amusements, See Ch. 3.
Registration of persons keeping animals for sale, § 4-6.
License for food establishments, § 7-17.
Food vendors' licenses required, § 7-47.
Licenses required for public eating and drinking places, § 7-72.
Private collection of garbage and trash restricted, § 8-21.
Permit required for trash transfer stations, § 8-72.
Permit required for sanitary landfills, § 8-99.
Grading permit, Ch. 9, Art. 11, Div. 2.
Licenses required for automobile junkyards, § 11-17.
Peddlers, hawkers, solicitors and itinerant merchants, Ch. 16.
Licenses required for itinerant merchants, § 16-17.
License fees for hawkers, solicitors and peddlers, § 16-35.
Plumbing permits, Ch. 18, Art. IV.
Permits required for street openings and excavations, § 20-34.
Swimming pool permits, Ch. 21, Art. II.
Mercantile tax, Ch. 22, Art. III.
Rates and charges for sewers and sewage disposals, Ch. 23, Art. II, Div. 3.
Shopping center district regulations under zoning ordinance, App. B, Art. XI.