[Adopted 4-12-2012 by Ord. No. 550]
Any person who obtains a permit for a specific activity and after receiving that permit goes on to take an action which is not authorized by the permit shall be guilty of failing to comply with the intent of a permit and shall be penalized as follows.
The issued permit shall be revoked; and
The work site shall be returned to the condition it was in prior to the permit being issued; and
The person shall be required to reapply for the permit; and
For a first offense the property owner shall pay a fine of $250.
For a second or subsequent offense occurring within one year of a first offense, the following penalties shall be imposed.
The issued permit shall be revoked; and
The work site shall be returned to the condition it was in prior to the permit being issued; and
The property shall be prohibited from being issued any type of permit for a period of one year from the date of the second or subsequent offense unless in the opinion of the Code Enforcement Officer an emergency exits which necessitates the issuance of a permit; and
The property owner shall pay a fine of $500.
Any owner, person, firm, company, or corporation who violates § 60-7 of this chapter shall in addition to having the cost of the appropriate license, permit or fee doubled, be fined an amount of not less than $300 for a first offense nor less than $600 for a second or subsequent offense.
[Added 7-9-2015 by Ord. No. 597]
[Added 10-13-2016 by Ord. No. 619]
The prohibition against the issuance of permits or licenses contained in § 60-4 of this chapter shall not apply when the permit is made in an attempt to improve the life or living conditions of a person with a physical disability or who is handicapped.