There is hereby created a Park and Recreation Board for Marlborough
Township, to be known as the "Marlborough Township Park and Recreation
Board," hereinafter referred to as the "Board."
The Board shall consist of five or seven members as from time
to time established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. The
members shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors and shall serve
for a term of five years or until their successors are appointed.
Appointment of the members shall be made so that terms of not more
than two members expire annually. All persons appointed shall serve
their full term unless voluntarily resigned or removed by the Township
Board of Supervisors for dereliction or neglect of duty. Vacancies
on the Board occurring other than by expiration of a term shall be
for the unexpired term and shall be filled in the same manner as the
original appointments.
The compensation, authorization, powers, duties of, and the
procedures related to, the Board shall hereafter be governed by resolution
duly passed from time and time by a majority of the Board of Supervisors
of Marlborough Township.