[Adopted 10-1-2012 by Ord. No. 990]
The Shrewsbury Community Garden is hereby established for the support of recreational community gardens for residents to grow their own produce through best gardening practices. Benefits include the preservation of green space as residents work collaboratively and share information in gardening techniques. In addition, the Shrewsbury Community Garden will provide an educational forum for members to expand horticultural knowledge by way of cross-cultural and intergenerational connections as well as foster pride in a community-wide organization.
The Mayor is authorized and empowered to appoint a Committee to be known as the "Shrewsbury Community Garden," to consist of nine members.
The initial terms of office of the first Shrewsbury Community Garden shall be for one, two or three years as designated by the Mayor, and their successors shall be appointed for terms of three years and until the appointment and qualification of their successors.
Any vacancy on the Shrewsbury Community Garden occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment.
The Shrewsbury Community Garden shall organize within 30 days after appointment and then, and annually thereafter in January of each year, elect a Chairman, a Vice Chairman and a Secretary.
The Shrewsbury Garden Community is hereby authorized to establish bylaws for its operation, which shall be approved by the Shrewsbury Borough Council prior to implementation. Any amendment to the bylaws shall also be approved by the Shrewsbury Borough Council.