All legislative and administrative power of the municipality shall be vested in Council.
Council shall have the power to enact, amend or repeal all ordinances, resolutions or motions where such action is consistent with the laws of the United States, the commonwealth and this Charter.
Council shall have the power to create or abolish all authorities, boards, commissions, committees, departments, offices or agencies.
Council shall have the power to appoint and remove all members of authorities, boards, commissions, committees, departments, offices or agencies, all members of its legislative and legal staff, and all employees.
Council shall have the power to receive and accept all gifts or donations of real and personal property or interest therein in the name of the municipality.
Council, as a body, or through a committee thereof, shall have the power to make inquiries and investigations into the affairs of the municipality and its government and into the conduct of any municipal department, office or agency, or any of the committees thereof.
Council shall have the power to hold public hearings on any matter. Notice of every such hearing shall be given as required by law in the manner determined by Council, and all interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard.
Council shall adopt an Administrative Code establishing and defining the duties and responsibilities of a Municipal Manager and of the municipal departments, offices and agencies, as well as such procedures as Council shall deem to be of basic importance in the operation of the municipality. The Administrative Code may provide for the delegation of all or part of Council's administrative powers as Council may deem appropriate. Council shall have the continuing authority, by amendment of the Administrative Code: (1) to make changes in the delegation of administrative powers; (2) to change the duties or responsibilities of the Manager or make changes in department, office or agency organizations or procedures; or (3) to abolish any authority, board, commission, committee, department, office or agency not required by law or by this Charter to be established and maintained.
Council shall appoint a Municipal Manager and may delegate to him all or any part of Council's administrative functions.
Council shall appoint a legal counsel, on a full-time or part-time basis, to provide it with legal advice.
Council shall appoint a Municipal Secretary under the direct supervision and control of Council.
Council shall adopt a Personnel Code that shall provide for the appointment, promotion, demotion, suspension or removal, as appropriate, of all appointed officers and employees of the municipality.
Council shall adopt procedures for the purchasing of products, goods, and services, the making of contracts, and the sale or lease of personal or real property to or by the municipality. Such procedures shall provide for negotiated contracts, competitive bidding, detailed bidding procedures, assurance of controls on aggregate spending, and safeguards against special interests.
Council shall, in the conduct of its powers, act subject to the following limitations:
Individual Council Members shall not exercise any power of Council unless such authority shall be specifically delegated by Council or by this Charter.
Except where authorized by law, no Council Member shall hold any other municipal office or municipal employment during his term of office.
Neither Council nor any of its members shall in any manner dictate activities or the appointment, promotion, demotion, or removal of any municipal officer or employee who is appointed by the Manager; but Council or any of its members may express its views and discuss with the Manager anything pertaining to the activities of any of his subordinates or their proposed appointment, promotion, demotion, suspension, or removal. Council's retention of a power to consent to an appointment, promotion, demotion, suspension, or removal from office shall not constitute a violation of this provision of the Charter.
Any Council Member who shall have a special financial interest in a matter before Council shall abstain from voting on the question.
The following actions of Council shall be taken by ordinance:
Adoption of the Administrative Code, referred to in § C-402 of this Charter.
Adoption of the Personnel Code and regulations referred to in § C-402 of this Charter.
Adoption of procedures for purchasing of products, goods, or services, for the making of contracts and for the sale or lease of personal or real property to or by the municipality, as referred to in § C-402 of this Charter.
Adoption of tax levies and authorization for service charges, fees and assessments.
All other actions that are legislative in nature, that affect or regulate the conduct of the public, that create or establish any long-term, permanent physical change, right or privilege or that amend or repeal any previously enacted ordinance.
Ordinances shall become effective following the carrying out of the publication and recording requirements; however, a later date may apply when required by law or when specified in the ordinance. If a later date is not specified therein, or not required by the laws of Pennsylvania or this Charter, all ordinances shall take effect on the 10th day after publication, except that the following ordinances shall take effect immediately: (i) the annual budget ordinance; and (ii) any ordinance adopted by a majority of the members of Council declaring that the ordinance deals with an emergency situation.
All other actions shall be taken by resolution or motion.