While performing the necessary work on private properties, the Commissioner or duly authorized employees or agents of the District shall observe all safety rules applicable to the premises.
The Commission and its duly authorized employees or agents of the District bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all private properties through which the District holds an easement for the purposes of, but not limited to, inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, repair, and maintenance of any portion of the wastewater facilities lying within the easement. All entry and subsequent work, if any, on the easement shall be done in full accordance with the terms of the easement pertaining to the private property involved.
Duly authorized representatives of the Commission may inspect the property or facilities of any user (including facilities under construction) to ascertain compliance with these Regulations or compliance with any permit issued pursuant to these Regulations.
Owners or occupants of premises where wastewater is either generated or discharged shall allow properly identified Commission representatives safe and ready access, at all reasonable times during normal business hours and at such other times as the Commission reasonably suspects that a violation of these Regulations or a permit issued pursuant to these Regulations may be occurring.
Access shall be allowed to all such parts of the premises as would enable the Commission personnel to inspect, observe, measure, sample and test:
Internal plumbing;
Pretreatment facilities;
Internal discharge points or connections;
Exterior connections;
Building sewers;
Oil traps and grease traps;
Any other facilities required by the Commission to be constructed, installed or utilized;
Measurement, sampling and testing facilities and procedures that have been required by the Commission; and
Such other facilities as the Commission reasonably believes may be contributing to a violation of these Regulations or a permit issued pursuant to these Regulations.
The Commission may conduct routine, periodic inspections of certain types of facilities. It is anticipated that restaurants, other food handling or food processing establishments, service stations, and other entities which deal with grease or petroleum products are particularly likely to be subject to such an inspection program. Owners or occupants shall provide any labor or equipment needed by Commission personnel to open, inspect, and operate oil and grease traps and other facilities.
Upon proper identification and at reasonable times during normal business hours and at such times as the Commission reasonably suspects that a violation of these Regulations or a permit issued pursuant to these Regulations may be occurring, duly authorized representatives of the Commission shall be permitted to enter all private property on which the Commission holds an easement for the purposes of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, testing, maintenance, repair, or reconstruction of any portion of the wastewater management system lying within such easement. All entry and subsequent work, if any, shall be done in full accordance with the terms of such easement.
The Commission shall be deemed to be performing an essential public function. The Commission shall not be liable for any loss or damage as a result of the performance of such essential public function.
Where an owner or user, after having received reasonable notice from the Commission, refuses to permit properly identified Commission personnel to enter or have access to premises or facilities in accordance with these Regulations, the Commission may forthwith give written notice of its intent to petition the Town's Board of Water Commissioners to terminate water service to such user or may seek and obtain an administrative search warrant.