The Director of Licensing shall have charge of and shall control the examination of applicants for licenses for taxicabs, liveries, limousines and drivers thereof; the licensing, regulation and inspection of taxicabs, limousines and liveries; the licensing of drivers; and the enforcement of all the provisions of this chapter. The Director shall have the power to approve, deny, suspend or revoke any taxicab, limousine or livery license or the licenses of drivers of taxicabs, limousines or liveries, for cause, as hereinafter provided. The powers conferred on the Chief of Police by this chapter shall be exercised under the control of the Director.
The Director of Licensing shall promulgate reasonable rules and regulations to implement this chapter and to carry out its intentions. The Director shall cause the rules and regulations as promulgated, together with this chapter, and any amendments or additions thereto, to be printed and distributed to the holders of taxicab, limousine and/or livery licenses and to all those who in the future shall obtain such license or licenses.