Editor's Note: See also Ch. 196, Property Maintenance.
The owner or occupant of any premises shall keep the contiguous sidewalks free from dirt, filth, weeds and other obstructions or encumbrances and in good and safe repair, and shall cause such sidewalks to be cleared of snow and ice within 24 hours after such snowfall or condition shall have ceased or ice has formed.
Any owner or occupant of premises who has been notified by the Village Clerk or Superintendent of Public Works that the contiguous sidewalks are in violation of Subsection A hereof, except as regards snow and ice, and who shall fail to correct the condition within five days of the sending of such notice to his last known address by mail, shall be in violation of this article. In addition to the penalties otherwise enforceable, the Village may thereafter correct the prohibited conditions and assess the cost thereof against the owners of the adjacent property. Such costs, if not paid, shall be assessable against the property as a tax thereon.
In the case of snow and ice, no such five-day notice is required, and if, within 24 hours after the cessation of every fall of snow or the formation of any ice, the owner or occupant of any premises shall fail to clear such sidewalk of snow and ice, he shall be in violation of this article. In addition, the Village may clear such sidewalks of snow and ice if they are not cleared by the owner or occupant within said period of 24 hours, and assess the cost thereof against the owner of the adjacent property. Such cost, if not paid, shall be assessable against the property as a tax thereon.