[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of the Branch as Ch. 42 of the 1973 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
For the purposes of this chapter, the terms used herein are defined as follows:
Any person, persons, firm, partnership, association, private or municipal corporation, company or organization of any kind.
No person shall fire or discharge or cause to be fired or discharged any gun, revolver, pistol or other firearm, or any air gun, spring gun or other instrument or weapon in which the propelling force is a spring, gas or air, within the corporate limits of the Incorporated Village of the Branch.
It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, shoot or to pursue game birds or animals within the Incorporated Village of the Branch. It shall be presumptive evidence of a violation of this chapter if a person is found carrying a rifle or shotgun in any field or wooded area.
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed or construed to interfere with:
Members of any federal or state military organization, or any police or peace officer, in the discharge of their duty.
The defense of one's person or property or the person or property of another.
The Board of Trustees, by resolution, may designate certain areas in which certain designated weapons may be used under such conditions as may be provided.
No person shall discharge any firecrackers, rockets or other explosives within the corporate limits of the Incorporated Village of the Branch, or fire any cannon or assist in burning any fireworks at a general entertainment or celebration in any street or public place in the Village, except by resolution of the Board of Trustees. Any such resolution shall specifically designate the place or places where such display of fireworks may be made, and may impose such conditions thereon as the Board of Trustees, in its sole discretion, shall determine to be necessary for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of persons and property.
No person shall keep or store any gunpowder, dynamite or gasoline or any other highly explosive substances within the corporate limits of the Incorporated Village of the Branch.