[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Easton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 4-28-2003; amended 3-19-2012]
The Town of Easton adopts this article establishing incentive plans for volunteer firefighters and volunteer emergency medical service personnel for the purpose of encouraging volunteerism in the Easton Volunteer Fire Department and the Easton Volunteer Emergency Medical Service and to provide an honorarium for those volunteers who give of their time to provide public safety services.
[Amended 9-15-2014]
Any volunteer firefighter or EMS volunteer is entitled to an honorarium up to the amount of $1,000 per fiscal year, provided that such volunteer satisfies the requirements set forth in the incentive plan of the respective organization. "Incentive plan" shall mean the plan developed and approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission") for volunteer firefighters and the plan developed and approved by the EMS Commission for volunteer EMS personnel, as both such plans are also approved by the Board of Finance. Each plan shall detail the requirements to be met in order for a volunteer to be eligible to receive all or a portion of the honorarium. Eligibility will be based upon certification, participation and training. A volunteer in both organizations may receive an honorarium from each organization to a maximum of $2,000 if the volunteer qualifies under each organization's incentive plan. Qualification shall, however, be independent for each organization, in that attendance at a single incident shall not count both as a volunteer for the Fire Department and as a volunteer for the EMS. The honorarium will be prorated for a volunteer who serves for less than a full calendar year.
In addition to the amount stipulated in the above section, each of the Commissions is authorized to offer an additional $500 to volunteers who earn the maximum honorarium as defined in § 86-2 and who work a substantial portion of their hours during difficult to cover time periods. The incentive plan developed by each of the Commissions will stipulate those time periods that are considered difficult to cover and the number of hours or calls which must be worked in order to earn the additional honorarium. The stipulations of § 86-2 applying to volunteers who serve both the EMS and fire services shall also apply to this additional honorarium.
[Amended 9-15-2014]
Participation shall be measured on a calendar year basis. A request for an appropriation in the amount sufficient to fund the program for each calendar year for each organization shall be made to the Board of Finance so that payment for the preceding calendar year may be made by August 1 of the succeeding fiscal year.
The initial incentive plan for each organization is on file with the Town Clerk. The incentive plan of each organization may be amended by the organization's Commission with the approval of the Board of Finance, provided that no amendment shall affect any provision of this article, and in the event of any conflict between any amended plan and this article, this article shall control.
Any dispute concerning the application of a plan to a volunteer shall be submitted to and determined by the organization's Commission with the right of appeal to the Board of Selectmen, whose decision shall be final.
No later than September 15 of every third year commencing 2007, or more frequently at the discretion of the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Selectmen shall appoint a committee of not fewer than five resident taxpayers of the Town which will undertake and complete, within 60 days following such appointment, or such longer time as the Board of Selectmen shall authorize, a study and investigation with respect to honoraria for volunteer firefighters and volunteer EMS personnel, and the committee shall prepare a report to the Board of Selectmen which report shall include the following:
With respect to the previous three years, the fiscal effect of the program; and
Recommendations with respect to the form and extent of the program for the following three years, including estimates of the annual economic impact.
After receiving the report from the committee, the Board of Selectmen shall provide such comments on the recommendations as it deems appropriate. The committee shall consider the comments of the Board of Selectmen and shall, to the extent deemed necessary and appropriate by the committee, present revised recommendations to the Board of Selectmen. At its discretion, the Board of Selectmen may forward the committee report to the Board of Finance. After receiving the report from the committee, the Board of Finance shall provide such comments on the recommendations as it deems appropriate. The committee shall consider the comments of the Board of Finance and shall, to the extent deemed necessary and appropriate by the committee, present revised recommendations to the Board of Finance. When the Board of Finance is satisfied with the recommendations of the committee, the Board of Finance shall recommend the ordinance for adoption by the Town at a Town Meeting to be scheduled by the Board of Selectmen. The Town Meeting shall, by a majority vote, approve or reject, but not amend, the recommended ordinance. If approved, the ordinance shall remain in effect until such time as a new recommended ordinance is approved by the Town Meeting. If rejected, a new committee, which may but need not contain members of the preceding committee, shall be convened. Until such time as a new ordinance shall be adopted by the Town Meeting, the then current ordinance will remain in effect.
This article may, but need not, be amended and restated in its entirety in the future. It shall be sufficient to submit as an amendment to this article the provisions of the recommended ordinance.
The honoraria provided pursuant to this article shall be free from federal and state taxation to the extent permitted by law.
The recipient of an honorarium under this article may choose to receive up to $1,000 of it in the form of a tax abatement. Any remaining amount of the honorarium will be issued in the form of a cash stipend.
In accordance with § 7-157 of the Connecticut General Statutes, this article, upon its adoption, shall become effective 30 days after publication and shall provide for a payment commencing in fiscal year 2012-2013 for services during calendar year 2011 and for subsequent years in accordance with this article.