[Added 3-15-2012, effective 4-11-2012]
The Town of Glocester finds that the revitalization of our village centers will promote the general health and welfare of the Town by working to fulfill the existing economic, housing, and transportation needs of the Town.
Current zoning in Chepachet Village falls within the B-1 Neighborhood Commercial, A-4 Four-Acre Agricultural Zone, and R-2, Two-Acre Residential Zones. These zoning designations have limited uses that in most cases allow a use in one zone, but it is prohibited in the other. This does not provide the village an opportunity for expansion and new businesses, new housing and the greatest flexibility for redevelopment. The Town endeavors to create a new overlay district that encourages compact development which will establish new housing and economic opportunities in Chepachet Village.
As part of this redevelopment, the Town aspires to maintain the traditional development pattern and village character by employing design elements that mimic and complement existing historic architecture, reuse existing buildings and develop unused and underused parcels.
The proposed Village Overlay District is to provide flexibility for housing, new business and business expansion with the need for minimal variances or special use permits. The creation of a Village Overlay District unifies under one district the current zoning in the existing commercial, agricultural and residential districts and will provide for revitalization of the village center. The Village Overlay District amendment is also intended to promote pedestrian travel within the village and the development of vacant land as mixed uses with a pedestrian scale and walkablity that would complement the existing village fabric. Lots within the Village Overlay District shall be developed to be a walkable connection to the existing village.
The Village Overlay District is intended to:
Build upon and complement the historic development patterns in the Village of Chepachet to enhance and create attractive walkable neighborhoods;
Encourage the adaptive reuse of abandoned, vacant or underutilized properties and structures, where appropriate;
Allow for a mix of land uses that are appropriate to the needs of the community and the uses and scale of surrounding properties in the village;
Provide incentives to develop larger parcels in a coordinated, planned approach that is in keeping with the village scale and enhances the walkability;
Maintain a high level of design quality throughout the district.
Encourage the strategic placement of usable green space in the village to augment existing open space and parks and to improve walkability.
All parcels within the Village Overlay District are allowed to utilize the overlay zoning. Existing underlying zoning is still applicable to all existing and future parcels within the district, except as identified as prohibited herein.
See the map attached.[1]
Editor's Note: The Village Overlay District Map is included at the end of this chapter.
The Village Overlay District is broken down into two subdistricts, based on the scale of development and types of uses that are generally promoted in these areas. The first subdistrict, "Center District," is characterized by a dense development pattern that is focused on walkability and is generally identified as the Chepachet Main Street area associated with denser mixed-use development. The second subdistrict, "Village District" area, is outside the Center District and is also designed to be walkable but allows automobile-oriented businesses and businesses which may include a drive through window. The Village District is an area where larger planned developments may occur that enhance the character of the surrounding parcels while providing housing and commercial opportunities.
The Village District.
The following uses are allowed as a matter of right within the Village District: professional office; bank, credit union or office; lunchroom/restaurant; tavern or nightclub; theater or concert hall; personal convenience services; veterinary office or animal hospital; pet shop; general retail; package store; antique sales and used furniture; multifamily housing and apartments located above or behind a nonresidential use; bed-and-breakfasts; child day-care centers; indoor/outdoor cafes; outdoor seating associated with restaurants or cafes; art galleries; legal office; medical office and small-scale medical laboratories; and artists' live/work space.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(2), which pertained to uses allowed only by special use permit within the Village District, was repealed 12-7-2023, effective 12-7-2023.
The following uses are prohibited in the Village District: nurseries and raising of crops; game rooms and arcades; self-serve laundries; trailer courts; salesrooms for the display of motor vehicles, trailers and machinery; adult book- and/or video store or amusement operation; off-street parking lots as a primary use; outdoor markets; apartment complexes, two-family and multifamily residential, without retail; gasoline service stations, auto repair services and garages; and nursing homes.
[Amended 12-7-2023, effective 12-7-2023]
Nonconforming uses shall be allowed to continue and are in no way being singled out for removal from the village. The Town intends to allow these uses to remain and expand as necessary to keep up with demand. This article is intended to encourage businesses that are in keeping with the goal of creating mixed-use, small-scale pedestrian-oriented development in the village.
Center District.
Due to small lot sizes, encouraging mixed uses, improving walkability and helping preserve the compact development pattern of this area, the Center District also prohibits: drive-through windows; gasoline service stations; auto repair services and garages; one-story buildings; single-family residential (but allowed in A-4); and retail establishments over 10,000 square feet in floor area.
Frontage and area required. Frontage may be reduced to 50 feet in order to encourage mixed uses. Lot size may be reduced to an area of one acre for mixed uses and commercial in situations where both water and septic disposals can be accommodated on site or off site nearby.
Setbacks. The front setback may be reduced to zero to match the setback of neighboring buildings only for mixed-use buildings where neighboring existing buildings have a similar setback.
The district strives to create a 50/50 mix of commercial and residential within the district and each structure. It is a goal to have a mix of uses within each building in the village.
Applications submitted under this article may be subject to development plan review as outlined in this chapter, § 350-57, in the Glocester Code.
Drive-up and drive-through windows shall be limited to banks and pharmacies as an allowed use. Food and drink establishments are not allowed.
[Amended 12-7-2023, effective 12-7-2023]
Drive-through windows shall be placed in the rear of the building. In places where they cannot be in the rear of the building, placement can be on the side of the building. Vehicle stacking shall not be in the front of the building and is desired to be to the rear of the building. The stacking driveway is encouraged to wrap around the building, utilizing on-site driveway(s).
Service roads. The creation of shared service roads and entrances is encouraged in order to reduce on-street traffic.
Service areas. All service areas shall be designed, relocated or redesigned to consider negative impact on surrounding properties. Pickup and delivery times, dumpster emptying times, and other services which can generate noise and other nuisances shall be coordinated to avoid negative neighbor impacts.
Any uses not specifically identified in the Village Overlay Zoning District which are allowed in 350 Attachment 1, Table of Use Regulations, are allowed.
Structures and other developments that are larger than 10,000 square feet of floor area are not allowed.
[Amended 12-7-2023, effective 12-7-2023]
Special considerations shall be implemented for building design that is in keeping with and enhances the historic look and feel of the village. Design standards shall be considered in terms of scale, massing, roof shape, spacing and exterior building materials. The design standards shall promote quality buildings and renovations that are similar to and compatible with the traditional historic architecture of the Village of Chepachet. These design standards will ensure development that is consistent with the Town's sense of history and promote a human scale and pedestrian-oriented village character.
A mix of uses which complement each other and the character of the village are encouraged in the Village Zone. By placing emphasis on compatibility with neighboring architecture and current uses, a balance can be maintained that is sustainable and economically viable for the village. Additionally, the strategic installation of outdoor seating and small park areas, which may include benches, green spaces and connecting pathways, are encouraged to help facilitate pedestrian access to and from businesses and residential properties.
The size and scale of buildings shall resemble surrounding buildings, businesses, houses or barns. The look of shopping centers and big box retail centers shall be avoided. Appropriate architectural details that add visual interest at the street level are required to reduce building scale. Blank and flat walls shall be addressed to either be screened or dressed up with windows, covered walkways, columns, or raised surfaces to break up the wall and add visual interest.
Buildings shall be placed in a manner that is complementary to the existing development pattern and architecture of the village. Massing, height and setbacks from the street and other buildings should be consistent or complementary with surrounding buildings.
New construction or substantial reconstruction should consider alterations that incorporate traditional pitched roof forms, gables and other attributes that contribute to the historic character of the village. The use of flat roofs, concrete block and large panels of glass as part of the facade or street-facing portions of the building is discouraged and represents architectural design not in keeping with the village.
All service areas, inclusive of mechanical, loading utilities and equipment storage shall be as unobtrusive or sufficiently screened so that they may not be seen from the street, public common areas and neighboring residential uses. These areas shall also be designed and/or incorporate techniques to buffer noise to adjacent uses.
Approval of outdoor displays of products for sale by the merchant can be obtained by application to the Building Official. Granting of outdoor displays shall be made based on demonstrating appropriate space, without obstructing pedestrian or automobile traffic. Displays are temporary and are allowed only when the business is open. Displays can only be placed within the subject property boundaries. (See the zoning amendment that is incorporated into the Code under Chapter 350, Article VII, Special Regulations.)