[Ord. 621, 2/22/1993, § 501]
During the preapplication conference, applicants are urged to consult with the Borough Engineer, the Allegheny County Planning Department and the County Conservation District on the requirements for safely managing stormwater runoff from the development site in a manner consistent with the Borough ordinances. These agencies may be helpful in providing the data that is necessary for preparing the stormwater management plan for the development site.
Applicants are encouraged to submit a sketch plan with a narrative description of the proposed stormwater management controls for general guidance and discussion with the Borough and county agencies.
The preapplication phase is not mandatory, and any review comments provided by Borough or county agencies are advisory only and do not constitute any binding action on the part of the Borough or any county agency.
[Ord. 621, 2/22/1993, § 502]
Preliminary and Final Plans Required. Stormwater management plans, in accordance with the requirements of this Part, will be submitted with the preliminary and final subdivision or land development plan application.
Review by Borough Engineer and Conservation District. Preliminary and final stormwater management plans will be reviewed by the Borough Engineer.
Notification of Affected Municipalities. If during the review of the proposed stormwater management plan, the Borough determines that properties in adjacent municipalities may be affected by the stormwater runoff and proposed management system for the site, it will notify the affected municipality(ies) and provide an opportunity to submit comments as part of the preliminary or final plan review. Copies of the plans will be made available to the municipalities upon request. Comments received will be submitted to the Planning Commission and Borough Council.
Borough Engineer's Review. The Borough Engineer shall approve or disapprove the preliminary and final stormwater management plan based on the requirements of the Borough's ordinances and good engineering practice. The Engineer shall submit a written report, along with supporting documentation, to the Borough Planning Commission for its consideration as part of the overall subdivision or land development plan review. In the cases where the Borough will be responsible for the maintenance of the stormwater management facility, the Borough Engineer shall also prepare a recommended maintenance program for review and approval by the Council.
Approval of Stormwater Plan Required for Subdivision and Land Development Approval. No preliminary or final approval shall be granted for the overall subdivision or land development application until a stormwater management plan for the site has been approved.
Permits Required From Other Governmental Agencies. Where the subdivision or land development application requires a water obstruction or erosion/sedimentation permit, then final subdivision or land development plan approval shall be conditional upon receipt of such permits. However, no building permit shall be issued, or construction started, until the permits are received and copies filed with the Borough.
[Ord. 621, 2/22/1993, § 503]
Upon recording of the final plat, the applicant may start to install or implement the approved stormwater management controls, subject to the provisions of the above. If site development or building construction does not begin within two years of the date of final approval of the subdivision or land development plan, then before doing so, the applicant shall resubmit the stormwater management plans to verify that no condition has changed within the watershed that would affect the feasibility or effectiveness of the previously approved stormwater management controls. Further, if for any reason development activities are suspended for two years or more, then the same requirements for resubmission of the stormwater management plan shall apply. The terms of these subsequent reviews shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter.
[Ord. 621, 2/22/1993, § 504]
Procedures for Approving Plan Modifications. Requests for modifications in the final approved stormwater management controls shall be submitted to the Borough Engineer as follows:
If the request is initiated before construction begins, the stormwater plan must be resubmitted and reviewed according to the original procedures.
If the request is initiated after construction is underway, the Borough Engineer shall have the authority to approve or disapprove the modification, based on field inspection, provided the requested changes in stormwater controls do not result in any modifications to other approved Borough land use/development requirements. The Borough Engineer shall maintain a record of all changes approved for the stormwater management controls and shall submit these to Borough Council with the final as-built plans for the development, prior to the acceptance of any improvements by the Borough.