A final plat prepared by a registered land surveyor shall be required for all subdivisions. It shall comply in all respects with the requirements of § 236.20, Wis. Stats.
The plat shall show correctly on its face, in addition to the information required by § 236.20, Wis. Stats., the following:
Exact length and bearing of the center line and center-line curves of all streets.
Exact street width along the right-of-way line of any obliquely intersecting street.
Railroad rights-of-way within and abutting the plat.
Setbacks or building lines, if required by the Plan Commission, in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Article VI of this chapter.
Utility and/or drainage easements.
All lands reserved for future public acquisition or reserved for the common use of property owners within the plat.
Special restrictions required by the Village Board relating to access control along public ways, delineation of floodland limits, or to the provision of planting strips.
The Village Board may require that deed restrictions imposed by the subdivider be filed with the final plat.
The Village Board may require that plat restrictions intended to reflect Village plans and ordinances be placed on the face of the plat.
The Director of Public Works shall examine all final plats within the Village and may make, or cause to be made by a registered land surveyor under the supervision or direction of the Director of Public Works, field checks for the accuracy and closure of survey, the proper kind and location of monuments, and the legibility and completeness of the drawing. In addition:
Maximum error of closure before adjustment of the survey of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision shall not exceed, in horizontal distance or position, the ratio of one part in 5,000 nor, in azimuth, four seconds or arc per interior angle. If field measurements exceed this maximum, new field measurements shall be made until a satisfactory closure is obtained. When a satisfactory closure of the field measurements has been obtained, the survey of the exterior boundary shall be adjusted to form a closed geometric figure.
All street, block and lot dimensions shall be computed as closed geometric figures based upon the control provided by the closed exterior boundary survey. If field checks disclose an error for any interior line of the plat greater than the ratio of one part in 3,000, or an error in measured angle greater than one minute of arc for any angle where the shorter side forming the angle is 300 feet or longer, necessary corrections shall be made. Where the shorter side of a measured angle is less than 300 feet in length, the error shall not exceed the value of 1 1/2 minutes multiplied by the quotient of 300 divided by the length of the shorter side; however, such error shall not, in any case, exceed five minutes of arc.
Where the plat is located within a quarter section, the corners of which have been relocated, monumented and coordinated by the county, the tie required by § 236.20(3)(b), Wis. Stats., shall be expressed in terms of grid bearing and distance, and the material and Wisconsin state plane coordinates of the monument making the relocated section or quarter corner to which the plat is tied shall be indicated on the plat. The grid bearing and distance of the tie shall be determined by a closed survey meeting the error of closure herein specified for the survey of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision.
The Village Board shall receive the results of the Director of Public Works and the state's examination prior to approving the final plat.
All final plats shall meet all the surveying and monumenting requirements of § 236.15, Wis. Stats.
All plats shall be tied directly to a section or quarter corner monumented according to the State Plane Coordinate System. The exact grid bearing and distance of such tie shall be determined by field measurements, and the material and Wisconsin state plane coordinates of the monument marking the section or quarter corner to which the plat is tied shall be indicated on the plat. The grid bearing and distance of the tie shall be determined by a closed survey meeting the error of closure specified in § 340-31 above for the survey of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision. All distances and bearings shall be referenced to the Wisconsin Coordinate System.
All final plats shall provide all the certificates required by § 236.21, Wis. Stats., and, in addition, the surveyor shall certify that he has fully complied with all the provisions of this chapter. The subdivider's certificate shall be fully executed prior to Village Board approval.
The final plat shall be recorded with the County Register of Deeds only after the certificates of the Director of the Planning Function in the Wisconsin Department of Administration, of the Village Board, of the surveyor and those certificates required by § 236.21, Wis. Stats., are placed on the face of the plat. The Clerk-Treasurer shall record the plat within 10 days of its approval by the Village Board. The subdivider shall, however, be responsible for payment of the recording fee.
An identical reproducible copy, on stable drafting film at least four mils thick, along with the recording data, shall be placed on file with the Director of Public Works.