The percentage which the payment in lieu of taxes bears to the
property taxes which would have been paid had an abatement not been
granted for the property under the agreement shall be applied to the
valuation of the property to determine the reduced valuation of the
property to be included in the valuation of the municipality for determining
equalization for county apportionment and school aid during the term
of the tax abatement agreement covering the property.
In the event a property owner subject to a tax agreement ceases
to operate or disposes of the property or fails to meet the conditions
for qualifying for the exemption, the local property taxes due for
all the prior years subject to exemption and for the current year
shall be payable as if no exemption had been granted. The Township
Tax Collector shall notify the property owner within 15 days of the
date of disqualification of the amount of taxes due. In the event
the subject property has been transferred to a new owner and it is
determined that the new owner will continue to use the property pursuant
to the qualifying conditions, and no tax or payment in lieu of tax
shall be delinquent, the exemption shall continue and the agreement
shall remain in effect.
At the termination of an agreement for tax exemption or abatement
authorized pursuant to this article, the project shall be subject
to all applicable real property taxes, as provided by state and local
law and regulations, provided that nothing herein shall be deemed
to prohibit the project or improvement at the termination of the agreement
for tax abatement from qualifying and receiving the full benefits
of any other tax preference as provided by law.
An additional improvement, conversion or construction completed
on a property already granted a previous exemption pursuant to this
article during the period in which the previous exemption is in effect
shall qualify for an additional exemption under the standards identified
in this article. The additional improvement, conversion or construction
shall be considered as separate for purposes of calculating the exemption,
except that the assessed value of any previous improvement, conversion
or construction shall be added to the assessed valuation as it was
prior to that improvement, conversion or construction for the purpose
of determining the assessed value of the property for which any additional
exemption is to be subtracted.