This article regulates the use of public and private sewers
and drains, discharge of septage into the public sewerage system,
and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewerage systems
within the Village. It provides for and explains the method used for
levying and collecting wastewater treatment service charges, sets
uniform requirements for discharges into the wastewater collection
and treatment system and enables the Village to comply with administrative
provisions and other discharge criteria which are required or authorized
by the state or federal law. Its intent is to derive the maximum public
benefit by regulating the characteristics of wastewater discharged
into the Village sewerage system. This article provides a means for
determining wastewater and septage volumes, constituents and characteristics,
the setting of charges and fees, and the issuing of permits to certain
users. Revenues derived from the application of this article shall
be used to defray the costs of operating and maintaining an adequate
wastewater collection and treatment system and to provide sufficient
funds for capital outlay, debt service costs and capital improvements.
The charges and fees herein have been established pursuant to requirements
of the Wisconsin Statutes. This article shall supersede any previous
ordinances, rules or regulations and shall repeal all parts thereof
that may be inconsistent with this article. If there is any conflict
between this article and any applicable state statute, the statute
shall be controlling.
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meanings
of terms used in this article shall be as follows:
Those particular liquid or other wastes resulting from any
process of industry, manufacture, trade or business of the development
of any natural resource.
The water-carried waste created in and to be conducted away
from residences, industrial and commercial premises, public buildings
and other structures and premises with such surface or drain water
as may be present.
All street laterals, main and intercepting sewers and structures
by which sewage or industrial waste is collected, transported, treated
or disposed of. This shall not include plumbing inside or in connection
with buildings served or service sewers from a building to the street